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Help with small project


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So I am currently learning ActionScript 3(Please do not mention how old it is lol) and C# to move to a different position where I work. They want me to make a program that sends data from a local database using C# and have AS3 display whatever is in the database

I am having a hard time finding info on how to do this so any help is appreciated. Thanks!!

Note: I am just asking for a good tutorial to follow. Not for someone to do the work for me.
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Well, I can google and try to help, but that's about it...

Client/Server example:
[The google search](https://www.google.com/search?safe=off&source=hp&ei=9eJjWuaFDYzisAW6lqG4CQ&q=c%23+client+server+example&oq=c%23+client+&gs_l=psy-ab.3.0.0l10.681.2732.0.4105.

AS3 stuff:
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