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A Little problem


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On the client, find the attack code for the bow, then check your target. Add a check if you're targeting yourself, and exit the sub if you are.

It should look something like this:
```If Player(MyIndex).Target = MyIndex Then Exit Sub```

I don't know if that code will work or not, but it should look very similar to that.


(You will need VB6 to edit this, Visual Studios will not work)
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Are you sure it is on client side? not server side? i tried this way:

* If targetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER And Target = index Then
PlayerMsg index, "You can't attack yourself.", BrightRed
Exit Sub

and this way:

* If Player(MyIndex).target = MyIndex Then
PlayerMsg Index, "You can't attack yourself.", BrightRed
Exit Sub

on createprojectile sub at client source, because i don't have any bow or something code related on client , also don't worked :|

Thanks for the fast reply!
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It can be client or server side. The thing is, it's more work for the server to do when you can just have a check in the client. It doesn't really matter if a player has a client without the fix, it's their fault, so it doesn't need to be server side.

Basically, does it affect anyone's game play if a player has a client they shouldn't without this fix? And the answer is no, not really.



~~Public Sub CheckAttack()~~



~~If StunDuration > 0 Then Exit Sub ' stunned, can't attack~~


~~Add This~~

~~If myTargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER Then
If myTarget = MyIndex Then
PlayerMsg Index, "You can’t attack yourself.", BrightRed
Exit Sub
End If
End If~~


~~This change isn't tested, but I did look for variable names so the code should work. Let me know if it does or doesn't :)~~
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@mohenjo-daro said in [A Little problem](/post/701231):
> If myTargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER Then
> If myTarget = MyIndex Then
> PlayerMsg Index, "You can’t attack yourself.", BrightRed
> Exit Sub
> End If
> End If

Variable not defined in both methods (index) and (myIndex)

Edit: defined the variables and i still can attack myself
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Ok, I tested the following code in AE (based off of Resbak) and it worked.

Go to
Public Sub CheckAttack()


With TempPlayer(MyIndex)
.Attacking = 1
.AttackTimer = GetTickCount
End With


If myTargetType = TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER Then
If myTarget = MyIndex Then
Call AddText("You can’t attack yourself.", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
End If
End If


MyIndex should be a global, so you shouldn't need to define it. (Don't forget to remove the previous code from the other post).
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