Giukko Posted March 16, 2018 Author Share Posted March 16, 2018 Hello, I worked to add inside the source code the way to have more then 1 frame during attacks for character and npc. This study I think is terminated with good results, no more bugs found. All this post is edited again for this final version.Follow this tutorial step by step to improve your grafical battle system.`THIRD UPDATE:` - there was an error on attack timer, now fixed and spells work (see update at point -->4)`SECOND UPDATE:` - fixed the speed for attacks based on agility and weapon type (you can see this both inside game mechanics when character fights and by the variable speed of frames during fight) - fixed the attack damage from the character, so now when you hold down ctrl key, character starts his attack and continuously tryes to give damage at his enemiesNote: from this point is important to better calibrate on which factors is attack speed regulated.`FIRST UPDATE:` work completed with full code and examples. Simplified instructions, all tested, bugs have been found (I hope ehe) and fixed. The attack animation now works properly. *Note for developers: the `Sub DrawPlayer` had some process related to AttackSpeed which do not have to stay there, so everything was moved in `Sub ProcessAttacks` and `Public Sub CheckAttack()` Fixed bugs: - animation did not work properly - fixed- if character attacks now he cannot moves until ctrl is pressed.- attack animations and process are separated from movements. Here the final result (and below this image you will find the full code):![]([/img])Premise: this code is an approach to give battle animations inside ER and because I needed more bigger space for frames I changed also that part of code, so if you would like to remain at the default frame-cell size of ER, during this tutorial I'll explain and highlight to you what is optional.* added this optional: if you would like to use 96x96 cell-frame size for your spritesheets, you need to change position at the name of your characters, so you have to go in `modText` and search for sub `DrawPlayerName`, then search for `TextY = ConvertMapY(GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y) + Player(Index).yOffset ` and put the number `- 55` than search this one: `TextY = ConvertMapY(GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y) + Player(Index).yOffset - (Tex_Character(GetPlayerSprite(Index)).Height / 4) ` and put the number `+ 55` 1- optional: first of all download this images, one is a sword paperdoll, and the other one is a character spritesheet:![alt text]([/img]) ___ ![alt text]([/img])As you can see, cell size is big (96x96 pixel)2- Install Visual Basic 6 and open ER Client.vpb (Visual Basic Project) 3- `*UPDATED:` Go to `modGameLogic` and after an `end sub` at your choice paste this code: *Note at this step: inside the code posted below, you need to choice which is the number of the frames that you want for battle (named `.step ` inside the code). Columns into spritesheet are counted from 0 (zero). For example, if you have 6 columns (from 0 to 5) into your spritesheet and you would like to use frame 4 and frame 5 for battle, just use that column numbers. Also, if you would like to have more than two frames for battle, before all edit your png spritesheet, then go inside the code below where are the `.step` and write an `elseif` with the number of the new frame that you need to use.``` Sub ProcessAttacks(ByVal Index As Long)Dim AttackSpeed As Long ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo ErrorHandler If Player(Index).Attacking = 1 Then ' qui fa cambiare il tipo di frame Select Case GetPlayerDir(Index) Case DIR_UP If Player(Index).yOffset < 0 Then Player(Index).yOffset = 0 Case DIR_DOWN If Player(Index).yOffset > 0 Then Player(Index).yOffset = 0 Case DIR_LEFT If Player(Index).xOffset < 0 Then Player(Index).xOffset = 0 Case DIR_RIGHT If Player(Index).xOffset > 0 Then Player(Index).xOffset = 0 End Select Player(Index).Moving = 0 If Player(Index).Step = 4 Then Player(Index).Step = 5 Else Player(Index).Step = 4 End If Else Exit Sub End If ' Error handler Exit SubErrorHandler: HandleError "ProcessAttacks", "modGameLogic", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit SubEnd Sub ```4- `*UPDATED` Now, again inside `modGameLogic`, search the sub `GameLoop`. You have to find this line: `Dim WalkTimer As Long` after this one put: `Dim AttackSpeed As Long` and `Dim Atimer As Long`. Then, you have to find this: `If frmMain.picEventChat.Visible Then frmMain.picEventChat.Visible = False End If End If End If`After this, paste this code: ```' Processa l'input degli attacchi If ATimer < tick Then ' Process all player attacks on the map For i = 1 To Player_HighIndex If IsPlaying(i) Then Call ProcessAttacks(i) End If Next i ' speed from weapon and agility If GetPlayerEquipment(MyIndex, Weapon) > 0 Then AttackSpeed = Item(GetPlayerEquipment(MyIndex, Weapon)).speed * 0.5 Else AttackSpeed = 250 - GetPlayerStat(MyIndex, Agility) End If ATimer = tick + AttackSpeed End If```5- `*UPDATED:` Stay into `modGameLogic` and search for sub `CheckAttack()`, so, delete all and paste this code: ``` Public Sub CheckAttack()Dim Buffer As clsBufferDim AttackSpeed As Long, X As Long, Y As Long, i As Long ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo ErrorHandler If Player(MyIndex).Moving > 0 Then Exit Sub If ControlDown Then If SpellBuffer > 0 Then Exit Sub ' currently casting a spell, can't attack If StunDuration > 0 Then Exit Sub ' stunned, can't attack If Player(MyIndex).Step = 1 Or Player(MyIndex).Step = 3 Then Player(MyIndex).Step = 0 If Player(MyIndex).AttackTimer + (AttackSpeed * 0.5) < GetTick Then 'Now continue to send the attack at server and the attack works 'If Player(MyIndex).Attacking = 0 Then With Player(MyIndex) .Attacking = 1 .AttackTimer = GetTick End With Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteLong CAttack SendData Buffer.ToArray() Set Buffer = Nothing 'End If End If Select Case Player(MyIndex).Dir Case DIR_UP X = GetPlayerX(MyIndex) Y = GetPlayerY(MyIndex) - 1 Case DIR_DOWN X = GetPlayerX(MyIndex) Y = GetPlayerY(MyIndex) + 1 Case DIR_LEFT X = GetPlayerX(MyIndex) - 1 Y = GetPlayerY(MyIndex) Case DIR_RIGHT X = GetPlayerX(MyIndex) + 1 Y = GetPlayerY(MyIndex) End Select If GetTick > Player(MyIndex).EventTimer Then For i = 1 To Map.CurrentEvents If Map.MapEvents(i).Visible = 1 Then If Map.MapEvents(i).X = X And Map.MapEvents(i).Y = Y Then Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteLong CEvent Buffer.WriteLong i SendData Buffer.ToArray() Set Buffer = Nothing Player(MyIndex).EventTimer = GetTick + 200 End If End If Next End If Else With Player(MyIndex) .Attacking = 0 .AttackTimer = 0 End With If Player(MyIndex).Step >= 4 Then Player(MyIndex).Step = 0 Exit Sub End If ' Error handler Exit SubErrorHandler: HandleError "CheckAttack", "modGameLogic", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit SubEnd Sub```6- Again, in `modGameLogic` search for sub `ProcessMovement`, then delete all and paste this code: ``` Sub ProcessMovement(ByVal Index As Long)Dim MovementSpeed As Long ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo ErrorHandler If Player(Index).Attacking = 1 Then Exit Sub ' Check if player is walking, and if so process moving them over Select Case Player(Index).Moving Case MOVING_WALKING PlayerMovement(Index) = 1 MovementSpeed = ((ElapsedTime / 800) * (WALK_SPEED * SIZE_X)) Case MOVING_RUNNING PlayerMovement(Index) = 2 MovementSpeed = ((ElapsedTime / 800) * ((WALK_SPEED + ((GetPlayerStat(Index, Agility) + (Player(Index).Level / 25)) ^ 0.4)) * SIZE_X)) Case Else PlayerMovement(Index) = 0 Exit Sub End Select If GetPlayerVital(MyIndex, Vitals.Sprint) = 0 Then Player(Index).Moving = MOVING_WALKING End If ' qui da la velocità di movimento dell'immagine su schermo, non dei frames Select Case GetPlayerDir(Index) Case DIR_UP Player(Index).yOffset = Player(Index).yOffset - MovementSpeed If Player(Index).yOffset < 0 Then Player(Index).yOffset = 0 Case DIR_DOWN Player(Index).yOffset = Player(Index).yOffset + MovementSpeed If Player(Index).yOffset > 0 Then Player(Index).yOffset = 0 Case DIR_LEFT Player(Index).xOffset = Player(Index).xOffset - MovementSpeed If Player(Index).xOffset < 0 Then Player(Index).xOffset = 0 Case DIR_RIGHT Player(Index).xOffset = Player(Index).xOffset + MovementSpeed If Player(Index).xOffset > 0 Then Player(Index).xOffset = 0 End Select ' Check if completed walking over to the next tile If Player(Index).Moving > 0 Then If GetPlayerDir(Index) = DIR_RIGHT Or GetPlayerDir(Index) = DIR_DOWN Then If (Player(Index).xOffset >= 0) And (Player(Index).yOffset >= 0) Then Player(Index).Moving = 0 If Player(Index).Step = 1 Then Player(Index).Step = 3 Else Player(Index).Step = 1 End If End If Else If (Player(Index).xOffset <= 0) And (Player(Index).yOffset <= 0) Then Player(Index).Moving = 0 If Player(Index).Step = 1 Then Player(Index).Step = 3 Else Player(Index).Step = 1 End If End If End If End If ' Error handler Exit SubErrorHandler: HandleError "ProcessMovement", "modGameLogic", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit SubEnd Sub```7- `UPDATED:` Now go to `modGraphics` and search for `DrawPlayer`. Delete all the sub and paste this code: ```Public Sub DrawPlayer(ByVal Index As Long)Dim Anim As Byte, i As Long, X As Long, Y As LongDim Sprite As Long, spritetop As LongDim rec As RECT ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo ErrorHandler Sprite = GetPlayerSprite(Index) If Sprite < 1 Or Sprite > NumCharacters Then Exit Sub ' Reset frame If Player(Index).Step = 3 Then Anim = 0 ElseIf Player(Index).Step = 1 Then Anim = 2 ElseIf Player(Index).Step = 4 Then Anim = 0 ElseIf Player(Index).Step = 5 Then Anim = 0 End If ' Check for attacking animation If Player(Index).Attacking = 1 Then Anim = Player(Index).Step Else ' If not attacking, walk normally Select Case GetPlayerDir(Index) Case DIR_UP If (Player(Index).yOffset > 8) Then Anim = Player(Index).Step 'AddText "Step = " & Player(Index).Step, Yellow Case DIR_DOWN If (Player(Index).yOffset < -8) Then Anim = Player(Index).Step 'AddText "Step = " & Player(Index).Step, Yellow Case DIR_LEFT If (Player(Index).xOffset > 8) Then Anim = Player(Index).Step 'AddText "Step = " & Player(Index).Step, Yellow Case DIR_RIGHT If (Player(Index).xOffset < -8) Then Anim = Player(Index).Step 'AddText "Step = " & Player(Index).Step, Yellow End Select End If ' Set the left Select Case GetPlayerDir(Index) Case DIR_UP spritetop = 3 Case DIR_RIGHT spritetop = 2 Case DIR_DOWN spritetop = 0 Case DIR_LEFT spritetop = 1 End Select With rec .Top = spritetop * (Tex_Character(Sprite).Height / 4) .Bottom = .Top + (Tex_Character(Sprite).Height / 4) .Left = Anim * (Tex_Character(Sprite).Width / 6) 'divide il file png nel numero di colonne indicate .Right = .Left + (Tex_Character(Sprite).Width / 6) 'divide il file png nel numero di colonne indicate End With ' Calculate the X (centratura dell'immagine e larghezza massima dell'immagine ' per centrare è necessario inserire quante colonne frames per x e quante righe frames per y X = GetPlayerX(Index) * PIC_X + Player(Index).xOffset - ((Tex_Character(Sprite).Width / 6 - 32) * 0.5) ' Is the player's height more than 32..? If (Tex_Character(Sprite).Height) > 32 Then ' Create a 32 pixel offset for larger sprites Y = GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y + Player(Index).yOffset - ((Tex_Character(Sprite).Height / 4) - 32) Else ' Proceed as normal Y = GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y + Player(Index).yOffset End If ' render the actual sprite Call DrawSprite(Sprite, X, Y, rec) ' Set player's location playerLocX(Index) = X playerLocY(Index) = Y ' check for paperdolling For i = 1 To UBound(PaperdollOrder) If GetPlayerEquipment(Index, PaperdollOrder(i)) > 0 Then If Item(GetPlayerEquipment(Index, PaperdollOrder(i))).Paperdoll > 0 Then Call DrawPaperdoll(Index, X, Y, Item(GetPlayerEquipment(Index, PaperdollOrder(i))).Paperdoll, Anim, spritetop) End If End If Next ' Error handler Exit SubErrorHandler: HandleError "DrawPlayer", "modGraphics", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit SubEnd Sub```Pay attention inside this code (which is `Public Sub DrawPlayer `) for this two lines: `.Left = Anim * (Tex_Character(Sprite).Width / 6)` `.Right = .Left + (Tex_Character(Sprite).Width / 6)`I changed the original number 4 with (whatever is) the number of columns inside character spritesheet. In this tutorial I used 6 columns, so I putted 6 instead of the original 4 columns.8- Go to `modGraphics` and search for sub `DrawPaperdoll`. Search inside this sub for those two lines: ` .Left = Anim * (Tex_Paperdoll(Sprite).Width / 4)` `.Right = .Left + (Tex_Paperdoll(Sprite).Width / 4)` and change the number 4 with whatever is the number of columns inside your paperdoll spritesheet. In this tutorial I used 6 columns (both for character and paperdoll), so put 6 instead of 4.9- that's it, have fun ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Giukko Posted March 16, 2018 Author Share Posted March 16, 2018 Sorry, gif image doesnt works Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Giukko Posted March 16, 2018 Author Share Posted March 16, 2018 Anyway I need to fix the png file for a better animation Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Giukko Posted March 17, 2018 Author Share Posted March 17, 2018 A new improved exaple: ![]([/img]) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kouga Posted March 17, 2018 Share Posted March 17, 2018 :D That's pretty cool. Are the additional frames added right or below the walking sprites? Also, can their amount be changed? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Giukko Posted March 17, 2018 Author Share Posted March 17, 2018 @kouga Eheh thanks, the new battle frames are added on the right of the spritesheet (png file). Actually I'm checking for possible bugs and I need to fix better the graphic result about the final animation. Anyway with this method is possible to use as many frames as you would like ;)) And this is also valid for walking animation. Also I will improve (with the same method) animations during spell casting. I also improved the cell-space of every frame, in order also to use more long weapons. As written before, when I'll finish the tests, I'll publish the source code with an explanation ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mohenjo Daro Posted March 17, 2018 Share Posted March 17, 2018 I am curious, will this mean each sprite sheet needs the animation frames for attacking and spell casting, or will it be somehow optional? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Giukko Posted March 17, 2018 Author Share Posted March 17, 2018 @mohenjo-daro Hi Mohenjo, it is possible to prepare a png spritesheet with more columns in order to have as many frames you need to use. For exaple you could create two new frames for battle, and two new frames for casting spells. Than, when you have a character model, you can use it in order to create via Photoshop as many npc you need, or just using for example arms of your first character model to make a new spritesheet with battle animation also for npc. Anyway, I'll show you everything, also with images, when I finish to fix some stuffs. Actually, I do not find a way to fix the target-image, which appears when mouse pointer is a little too far from the character or npc target. I'll update you soon, any suggestion is welcome and also any help ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Giukko Posted March 17, 2018 Author Share Posted March 17, 2018 PS: anyway, if you would like to use only the frames which you have by default, you can use them (but obviusely the result it is not a real battle animation ;) ) I'll update you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alexoune001 Posted March 17, 2018 Share Posted March 17, 2018 Hello,Oh great the system! If I understand correctly, that means that we can put Sprites like this:![alt text]( ?As you can see here, there are the frames of steps, those for the attack and last ones for the magic ;)PS: Sorry for my english if he is bad, I speak french x) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Giukko Posted March 17, 2018 Author Share Posted March 17, 2018 @alexoune001 Hi alexoune001, no problem for your english, I'm italian and also my english is very bad eheh ;) About your question: yes, is possible. I finished to check everything, in few minutes I'll publish the all code and explanations. My code right now works and I made many test, so seem that there are no bugs for now eheh. Anyway I hope that Mohenjo, which is a more good programmer, will help us to perfectioning the code if needed ;) Now I prepare the tutorial and I post everything, step by step :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alexoune001 Posted March 17, 2018 Share Posted March 17, 2018 @giukko said in [On ER now is possible to have more than 1 frame for attacks](/post/701478):> @alexoune001 Hi alexoune001, no problem for your english, I'm italian and also my english is very bad eheh ;) About your question: yes, is possible. I finished to check everything, in few minutes I'll publish the all code and explanations. My code right now works and I made many test, so seem that there are no bugs for now eheh. Anyway I hope that Mohenjo, which is a more good programmer, will help us to perfectioning the code if needed ;) Now I prepare the tutorial and I post everything, step by step :)Ok, super anyway thank you for your code! Since the time I tried to do but hey I'm not too stalled in vb6 ^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mohenjo Daro Posted March 17, 2018 Share Posted March 17, 2018 My question was does every sprite sheet used need the extra frames, or can you have some with the attack frames, and some without the attack frames? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Giukko Posted March 17, 2018 Author Share Posted March 17, 2018 Ok, no, right now all the png files must have a space for battle frames, but I think that with a little code improvement and variables it is possible to say at the software if that character or npc as 6 or more, or less columns inside png file. Anyway this is a start point, now I post everything, I'm preparing all the stuffs in order to post them Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Giukko Posted March 17, 2018 Author Share Posted March 17, 2018 Updated (see my first post) and finished all the code and informations on how to use more then one frames in battle for ER. With this instructions is possible to modify also battle frames for npc by adding a line of code. Check, and if you have questions or if you would like, let me know ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mohenjo Daro Posted March 17, 2018 Share Posted March 17, 2018 Nice job Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Giukko Posted March 17, 2018 Author Share Posted March 17, 2018 @mohenjo-daro Thanks :) I forget an update needed inside code in order to use 96x96 cell-frame size. Now I update the first post. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Giukko Posted March 19, 2018 Author Share Posted March 19, 2018 Updated full code to the final version :) Now everything is fixed and work well. First post totally edited.Fixed bugs: - animation did not work properly - fixed - if character attacks now he cannot moves until ctrl is pressed. - attack animations and process are separated from movements. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Giukko Posted March 20, 2018 Author Share Posted March 20, 2018 ANOTHER UPDATE: see first post (I hope this is the last one ;) ) - fixed the speed for attacks based on agility and weapon type (you can see this both inside game mechanics when character fights and by the variable speed of frames during fight) - fixed the attack damage from the character, so now when you hold down ctrl key, character starts his attack and continuously tryes to give damage at his enemiesNote: from this point is important to better calibrate on which factors is attack speed regulated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Giukko Posted March 20, 2018 Author Share Posted March 20, 2018 `THIRD UPDATE:` - there was an error on attack timer, now fixed and spells work (see update at point -->4 (first post)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SonhoDeFalsa Posted May 9, 2019 Share Posted May 9, 2019 You can help-me? I'm trying to compile but, it's giving this error.![alt text]( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SolidLink Posted May 9, 2019 Share Posted May 9, 2019 beside the last parameter, try putting a ``` , ``` and see if you have to insert anything else on there. Or try inserting```DrawPaperdoll index, x, y, item(GetPlayerEquipment(index, PaperdollOrder(i))).paperdoll, anim, spritetop```sometimes removing ```call``` and the brackets work for me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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