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Lord Of The Rings Online


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I've played almost every free mmorpg that exists and this one beats most of the shitty ones out there in my opinion. DDO? Meh.. That game was going down the shitter and almost had to be shut down until they made it free, and for a reason.

LOTRO has a huge world with maps based on the novels' Middle Earth, storylines are engaging, the graphics are nice, and theres little to no lag except in heavily crowded areas. There are also random instances similiar to Guild Wars that are pretty fun. The quests can be repetitive, but thats what a ducking mmorpg is, lots of random quests. The good thing is the quests are actually interesting, and not always linear boring crap. The skill system is cool because theres an expansive range of modifiers. The economy is  balanced due to how the "vocations" or crafting jobs are set up. Also, there are no unfair advantages for p2p like some others Ive played.

Anyway, yea id say go for it dude. Ive been playin this for awhile now and havent got bored yet (I'm usually bored within the first few hours). And for people who enjoy a true Roleplaying experience they have a RP enforced server, or RE (Roleplaying encouraged), something I was happy to see as its pretty rare. The player base has gone down slightly over the years, but that happens to all of them after awhile. It will happen to DDO too eventually.

I'm playing on an RP server called "Laurelin". The reason I prefer RP is to avoid people running around going "omgz i gotz a Giant hammer n00bs", and because I get to act while I play. If anyone wants to get in contact with me in game my name is Selarion (Elf Minstrel). Always up for some good Middle Earth RP gaming with other players.
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> I logged in LOTRO a few days ago to check, I ran around the biggest city and in 10 minutes didn't see one single person. Not sure if it was just the server I was on, but it backs up what I've heard, and thats' that very few people play anymore.

Not sure. The server i'm in is an RP server and there are players everywhere I turn, which is surprising since it's RP enforced. I expected there to be a lot less tbh.
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A couple of screenshots of my char, Selarion, in game. He's currently a level 15 Elf Minstrel in Laurelin RP server..


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> Yeah the game to me looks a bit like a WoW Clone. The game itself is alright but yeah it is a bit empty even in the big cities :).

Lol.. only people who know little about mmo history would say this is a WoW clone. Everquest and DAOC were released years before, and WoW copied many of their elements. It just so happened Blizzard had good marketing techniques, and people (mostly young folk) bought into the notion that it was an original concept.  All mmo's are cookie cutter copies of the earliest ones.
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