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[ALL]Fix TickCount initialization


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Function GetTick() As Long
Dim Result As Long
Result = GetTickCount()
If Result < 0 Then Result = Result + INT_MAX
GetTick = Result
End Function

this is another way of doing it as well. im sure there are better ways of doing this but this is a more efficient way as it's not doing a double call on GetTickCount. and also, if you're really having performance issues with this, i suggest you optimize your code.
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> ```
> Function GetTick() As Long
>       Dim Result As Long
>       Result = GetTickCount()
>       If Result < 0 Then Result = Result + INT_MAX
>       GetTick = Result
> End Function
> ```
> this is another way of doing it as well. im sure there are better ways of doing this but this is a more efficient way as it's not doing a double call on GetTickCount. and also, if you're really having performance issues with this, i suggest you optimize your code.

I have my engine ticks setup like this:
Public Function GetTick() As Long

   If GetTickCount < 0 Then
       GetTick = MAX_LONG + GetTickCount
       GetTick = GetTickCount
   End If

End Function
I think its much better now.
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if you really want more efficiency, vb6 has this weird ass thing where, the function name counts as a variable and is returned upon exiting the function, not just giving it a value. so you COULD use the GetTick = GetTickCount then check the value of GetTick what not, it's a very miniscule overhead redundancy but hey, if you're hurting for memory, then you could save a few bytes with this
EDIT: example
Function GetTick() As Long
GetTick = GetTickCount
If GetTick < 0 Then GetTick = GetTick + MAX_LONG
End Function

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> You /should/ be fine? i don't remember there ever being an issue with doing this on one side only.

Does it really conserve bytes just by removing a few lines of code?

P.S: Thanks for the optimization idea, i managed to clean up a lot of code using the 64 bit-system timer.
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> Just one last question, is it ok if I just fix this in the server side?

Do it in both client and server, as some people leave their computers on 24/7 hosting stuff and if their gettickcount is negative it may produce localised bugs and errors.
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@Lavos, the bytes would be removed by not initializing a second variable, which is the Dim Result As Long, you can use the function name as the variable, being as it doesn't return until it exits out or hits the end of the function.

As for the 64-bit timer, what do you mean? if you mean timeGetTime, that one still rolls back but it takes a little longer
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> @Lavos, the bytes would be removed by not initializing a second variable, which is the Dim Result As Long, you can use the function name as the variable, being as it doesn't return until it exits out or hits the end of the function.
> As for the 64-bit timer, what do you mean? if you mean timeGetTime, that one still rolls back but it takes a little longer

You're right, I swapped TimeGetTime back out with using GetTickCount and it had a big difference in performance.Ended up using your method in the end.  :D
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only thing i will warn you about, is, i suggest checking to see if GetTick has rolled back, and do like a global value, check that global var if it's true, and if it is, reset all tmr vals to 0\. this will prevent everything from locking up as while it rolls back, this function makes sure it's always a positive, so if getTickCount = -MAX_LONG, then GetTick will = 0 because of that, and increment from there, resetting those tmr values will prevent everything from locking up, rendering, game logic, etc.
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> only thing i will warn you about, is, i suggest checking to see if GetTick has rolled back, and do like a global value, check that global var if it's true, and if it is, reset all tmr vals to 0\. this will prevent everything from locking up as while it rolls back, this function makes sure it's always a positive, so if getTickCount = -MAX_LONG, then GetTick will = 0 because of that, and increment from there, resetting those tmr values will prevent everything from locking up, rendering, game logic, etc.

Okay I have the function setup this way.

Public hasRollback as boolean
Public Function GetTick() As Long

   GetTick = GetTickCount

   If GetTick < 0 Then GetTick = GetTick + MAX_LONG

   If hasRollback = True Then
       If GetTickCount = -MAX_LONG Then
           GetTick = 0
       End If
   End If

End Function
how do you suppose i do a check with the boolean if it is true?
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nono, you don't have to reset the GetTick, only the tmr variables within the Loop(both client and server), basically, that first if for GetTick < 0, create an End If and within that, just do HasRollBack = True. in the loop, around the beginning of the loop, check if HasRollback = True, if so, reset values and HasRollback = false
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ooooOOOO!OO!O!OOOOOOOOOooooO! brb im gunna do it now.

* * *


> nono, you don't have to reset the GetTick, only the tmr variables within the Loop(both client and server), basically, that first if for GetTick < 0, create an End If and within that, just do HasRollBack = True. in the loop, around the beginning of the loop, check if HasRollback = True, if so, reset values and HasRollback = false

So heres what i did.
Public Sub GameLoop()

   Dim FrameTime As Long
   Dim Tick      As Long
   Dim TickFPS   As Long
   Dim FPS       As Long
   Dim i         As Long
   Dim LoopI     As Long
   Dim FogTmr    As Long
   Dim ClockTmr  As Long
   Dim Result    As FMOD_RESULT

   MenuType = 1
   ShadeOut = True

   If hasRollback = True Then

       ' reset timers
       FogTmr = 0
       ClockTmr = 0
       Menu_Alert_Timer = 0
       TradeTimer = 0

       LastUpdateTime_ElasticBars = 0
       LastUpdateTime_GameInput = 0
       LastUpdateTime_WalkTimer = 0
       LastUpdateTime_MapAnim = 0
       LastUpdateTime_Ping = 0
       LastUpdateTime_TextureReset = 0

       hasRollback = False

   End If
```Etc. Etc.


Public Function GetTick() As Long

   GetTick = GetTickCount

   If GetTick < 0 Then
       hasRollback = True
       GetTick = GetTick + MAX_LONG
   End If

End Function
Do I have to reset timer from data type recs and other places as well?
like player(myindex).attackTimer ? or Just the timers from the loop?
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