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Pokemon Engine


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Now that i have time to continue Programming, i decided to create a Pokemon-Engine which i haven't complete yet.

Now if you are wondering why i choose Pokemon-Style game to create. It's because i haven't complete the Trainer Base battle system yet, i'm creating various engine/projects to see if i can create the system of those game style on VB6.

This project is nothing but a showoff, i don't plan to put it online nor use it as one of my game, but i might think about it if someone want's to buy the engine or so.

the image below contain the progress of the engine
(Note: i made the engine on scratch, rip some important system on eo like Socket connection, clsbuffer, and the rest are all self-made)


>! ![](http://s22.postimg.org/lo771tx9r/Screen1.png)
Login Screen
>! ![](http://s22.postimg.org/6e7bun1rj/Screen2.png)
Character Selection screen
>! ![](http://s22.postimg.org/9weqdad9r/Screen3.png)
Character Creation Screen
>! ![](http://s22.postimg.org/ks648my7l/Screen5.png)
>! ![](https://scontent-hkg3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11694970_1669070853313916_3655827661685544640_n.jpg?oh=0dff214325789944660e639d208e06ec&oe=5614C959)
>! ![](https://scontent-hkg3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/l/t1.0-9/10312497_1669070876647247_4697534141569698332_n.jpg?oh=9d6204cbd73b07f45e573b67d630b3da&oe=5620140B)
>! Update
>! ![](https://scontent-nrt1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t1.0-9/11751442_1670027233218278_4942712783560801889_n.jpg?oh=830d1e762d02c25dadd97d9561bb8704&oe=5659AB3F)

Current Progress of the Engine: 10% (will be update soon *probably*)
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Over the years, many have come and gone, In my opinion its a gateway to easy players because there's always going to be a fan willing to play. Choose a game that once has millions of players is a easy way to getting a popular game. Start from scratch that no one knows anything about your game or clone another hugely popular game and get away with the hard work…
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> Over the years, many have come and gone, In my opinion its a gateway to easy players because there's always going to be a fan willing to play. Choose a game that once has millions of players is a easy way to getting a popular game. Start from scratch that no one knows anything about your game or clone another hugely popular game and get away with the hard work…

I agree, getting a lot of players will pressure you to continue as well. Even if it is unethical, the best way to get better fast is to keep working on games and not restart 100 times. Original games that are truly awesome are hard to come by in your mind's eye. They can take years to fully realize.
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Seth, restarting isn't bad if you're looking to get better at your skills, if you're a mapper then it's fine to restart since you're mapping either way, if you're a writer, you get more stories to write, if you make items, more balancing to do. Granted, I agree that one long term project is better, it does depend who you ask since both have their advantages and disadvantages.
And Sky, how many games have you gone through at this point? I know of a few that you started but threw away or handed on to others ;)
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