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Simple ORPG


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Simple ORPG Engine

**Current Features**

* Written in Java so it works on Windows OSX and Linux
* Open source (see Github link below)
* You can use [Tiled Map Editor](http://www.mapeditor.org/) to edit maps
* RGBA mask map property
* [H2](http://www.h2database.com/html/main.html) embedded database support is provided by default
* SHA-256 stretched individually salted passwords
* Configurable [C3P0](http://sourceforge.net/projects/c3p0/) database connection pooling
* Various commands and admin access
* Embedded [Jetty](http://jetty.codehaus.org/jetty/) updater


**Download latest build**

[Server SNAPSHOT-1.0](https://github.com/downloads/coxry/SimpleOrpg/SimpleOrpg-Server-1.0-SNAPSHOT-release.zip)

[Client SNAPSHOT-1.0](http://github.com/downloads/coxry/SimpleOrpg/SimpleOrpg-Client-1.0-SNAPSHOT-release.zip)

*Note* To run the server/client click run.bat

**Git the source**

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Thanks guys!

Here's a little update, I added a mask map property in the following format..

A mask can be added to any map and it will be drawn on the upper most layer.. Here's an example of what a mask can look like

>! ![](http://i.imgur.com/MXhAll.png)
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> Thanks guys!
> Here's a little update, I added a mask map property in the following format..
> r,g,b,a
> A mask can be added to any map and it will be drawn on the upper most layer.. Here's an example of what a mask can look like
> >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/MXhAll.png)

Really good idea!!!
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> link=topic=80295.msg859692#msg859692 date=1337667021]
> Not really, but then again a basic understand of programming theory is helpful.
> After you learn the basics for programming, it turns out to be about preferences, how you'll utilize the language, and what libraries are available.

English Please? XD
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Well Java is a semi-interpreted language, so it's speed isn't all the way up to par, but it has an extensive library, or .. I guess you could say a lot of goodies available to you out of the box. Java is also OOP, which some people don't like.

Compared to C and C++ on a primitive level, they both have a standard library of functions such as input and output streams. These are both compiled languages though, which run faster on the machine.

This is a small summary just to help you understand a bit. I myself took the past weekend to create a nifty GDK in Java for some of my projects.
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> link=topic=80295.msg859707#msg859707 date=1337667964]
> Well Java is a semi-interpreted language, so it's speed isn't all the way up to par, but it has an extensive library, or .. I guess you could say a lot of goodies available to you out of the box. Java is also OOP, which some people don't like.
> Compared to C and C++ on a primitive level, they both have a standard library of functions such as input and output streams. These are both compiled languages though, which run faster on the machine.
> This is a small summary just to help you understand a bit. I myself took the past weekend to create a nifty GDK in Java for some of my projects.

Ahh I see… Part of my brain is like "what the heck are you saying" the other is "oh just don't talk" :P
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> link=topic=80295.msg859710#msg859710 date=1337668483]
> http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/programming-and-development/tips-on-choosing-a-programming-language-to-learn/1950

Meh. I'll bookmark it. Too tired to read anyways.
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> link=topic=80295.msg859663#msg859663 date=1337662224]
> You should add a clipping mask, make a fog of far / flashlight effect possible.

Fully planning on it. I already added a 'lighting' system to [Troglodytes](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,79755.0.html) (which was essentially that)


> Is Java hard?


> link=topic=80295.msg859692#msg859692 date=1337667021]
> Not really, but then again a basic understand of programming theory is helpful.
> After you learn the basics for programming, it turns out to be about preferences, how you'll utilize the language, and what libraries are available.

I agree with rose.. Java is easy. Programming in any language is easy. Theory, and designing larger projects in general is difficult.
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I was busy all day so here's a micro update focused on chat.

I added a chat history window (tab opens/closes)

>! [![](http://i.imgur.com/OzIVUl.png)](http://i.imgur.com/OzIVU.png)

I also changed the chat packet, fixed a couple of annoying bugs (like backspace) and added wordwrapping for bubbles.

>! [![](http://i.imgur.com/hTM9ol.png)](http://i.imgur.com/hTM9o.png)

It's all online. Download the latest client to check it out.
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Good enough. I'm creating a new thread for every user which is fast but memory consuming. I tried to make it modular enough to switch in your own NIO networking system (or even use [Netty](http://www.jboss.org/netty)) which will reduce total memory usage. I also turn off [Nagel's algorithm](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagle's_algorithm) which is a good idea when creating realtime TCP Multiplayer games.

I need to update the server networking so that it queues messages instead of having a bunch of synchronized blocks.
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> Good enough. I'm creating a new thread for every user which is fast but memory consuming. I tried to make it modular enough to switch in your own NIO networking system (or even use [Netty](http://www.jboss.org/netty)) which will reduce total memory usage. I also turn off [Nagel's algorithm](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagle's_algorithm) which is a good idea when creating realtime TCP Multiplayer games.
> I need to update the server networking so that it queues messages instead of having a bunch of synchronized blocks.

Okay, cool! I hope whatever that meant means progress. Can't wait for the real game to open. But I guess that will be a while
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