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Suankee World


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**About Game**

**Suankee World** is a open world based on Knight Online. This game is Realm vs Realm (RvR and PvP style).  My main idea is that despite the war between the two factions too have interaction in a city where there is a truce known as **Moradon Town**

Wars are planned each day some time Sunday where there will be two camps. The **factions will attack the entrances to the dens of the leaders and captains**, as well as defend them if they are being attacked and later they may attack the **Leader Main Camp**. After the victorious faction may invade the enemy city.

There will be an exclusive area for PvP between the two factions where **they can go to any hour of any day**. There will be benefits for killing an enemy of the other faction; receive a currency called 'National Point' to be interchangeable in the global shop to buy upgrades for armor.

In the daily war zone you can find any Boss they'll drop unique items and can only be killed in group.

**Information Aditional**

First impressions of the Open Beta phase will more than thirty maps between them are the towns of Human and Orcs, of course, there will be two different factions will have enough classes to pick, only depends on you what you want to be. Classes evolve according to your level through tasks in the open beta will be around thirty or more tasks so they can test a full missions.

The game's story will be published once they begin to reach users, is based in medieval times when the mythological gods ruled the earth, your character will start to be a semi-god where you you you encargarás to make it a true God, you will fight against strong beasts against other Gods and you'll run into many surprises, enough dungeons to not get bored at any point in the journey across the continent to find you the Gods giving a gift which can get enough attributes that will be useful, assignment and up you fight them Whose side will you be?

- **Beginning of Adventure**: When you get to level 10 and kill the Goblin Cursed need to give the head to the Old Man and he will leave to continue the adventure, just come out of the village you'll encounter this beautiful prairie



**-** Customization Character

- Friendlist System
- All **Skywyre v6** Features
- GlobalShop System
- Target Details System
- Spell for TP to Members in Party
- Book System (Like EFF)
- Skills System (Like EFF)
- Ranking System

**Possible Systems**

- Mounts System

- Talent System
- Auction System
- Quest Task System
- Merchant in Town (Possibility player can make a merchant in town where you can open a window for check all items for buying it)
- Faction System (This is important, the game is RvR. This is a priority now)

**Other media**





PS. Sorry but this videos only in Spanish  :P

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Maps look awesome, 7.5/10 from me. Wish I had someone like you to make maps when I had a game! The possibly systems would make or break them game, Although only a select few have the knowledge/have done them though. Good luck and keep us updated!
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How about you guys, I'm grateful for your comments. I try to do the best I can, my favorite section was always the development of a game, I do not know much programming. This project will cost much follow, unfortunately I do not have any help, there is no programmers who speak Spanish, with the purpose of putting together a team.  I wish I could get help and fulfill my long-desired dream, the dream of creating Suankee World. I would create as many systems as I want, but these are my limitations, thanks for the love they gave to this project.

I wish I could create at least half of the systems that I want in my game. :P 







Certainly in this community everyone know how to use VB6 most experienced. I would like to pay for a little help, to add the systems that I want, but there is much difference between the dollar and the currency of my country. I would not reach the life to pay those figures. Not even counting on the money.

Regards buddies, have a nice day.

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> http://prntscr.com/90ae2a
> This is too much plain that's why i can't give higher than 7 ratings on map..
> Try to improve your mountain style
> I only like your forest style map a little bit (because it lack some details)

I'll try to improve it. Though forests, I think is what I put more detail, like the Village. But i try to improve them.
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Use this kind of mountain stair style if you want more detailed


Just a plain stairs that goes down is not kinda good at maps
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Thanks for everything, I will be grateful for these types of aid. Addition it will help me learn more about programming.

Later i post more screenshots, now I am creating other maps, **I go now for a dungeons and lakes**. After a couple of maps i will start with the **creation of a city** fairly comprehensive 100x100\. Remember that **Bellua Village** is 60x80
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