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Ruins of Hell

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Posts posted by Ruins of Hell

  1. > I don't see any download. Maybe I'm looking at the wrong post…
    > [http://www.touchofde…account +editor](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/119140-eo-20-account-editor/page__hl__%2Baccount+%2Beditor)

    Mhmm, that's exactly what I said:

    > attachments have not yet been ported over to the new forums
  2. > love you guys (no homo ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png))! You helped me understand this a little bit more, thanks.
    > What is the deal with the disappeared tutorial? I got the old one in my bookmarks, the thread was named: "[EO] (hopefully) simple packet tutorial"
    > How to handle the same exact thing with experience? I mean what to use instead of "giveinvitem"?
    > thanks!

    I thought that tutorial was great too. [Luckily the new search is pretty awesome.](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/115981-eo-hopefully-simple-packet-tutorial/) ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png)
  3. > Well I found the one for 2.0, but there is no link to the source =( Does anyone happen to have that source so I can dig through it and maybe get it working for what I need?

    Looks like the source code was attached to [this topic](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/119140-eo-20-account-editor/), and attachments have not yet been ported over to the new forums. I think Marsh is working on it though.
  4. ```

    Sub HandleGiveCurrency(ByVal index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long)

    Dim buffer As clsBuffer

    Dim itemnum As Long

    Dim amount As Long

    Set buffer = New clsBuffer

    buffer.WriteBytes Data()

    amount = Buffer.ReadLong ' <-- make sure you actually READ the variable '

    ' give gold '

    GiveInvItem index, 1, amount

    ' send confirmation message '

    PlayerMsg index, "You received" & amount & " gold.", BrightGreen

    Set buffer = Nothing

    End Sub

    **Edit:** sorry, this new forum doesn't alert on new replies.
  5. > They're both IPs, however since not every computer supports the latter one(IPv6) it is recommended to use the first one(IPv4) for the time being.

    In addition, Eclipse does not support IPv6, so definitely use the first one.
  6. > This error starts when i changed max_map_npc to 100 from 50

    Depending on what version of Eclipse you are using and what mods you have installed, you might have to delete all maps when you change the MAX_MAP_NPCs. But in order to pinpoint the issue, you should probably follow Erwin's advice:

    > ![](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/ccs_files/file_host/741bd6b49d0faabe5827b0b20f5dc4be.JPG)
  7. @Joyce:

    > (Also note that the maximum value of a Byte is 255, make it a long if you need more than 255 maps ;])

    MAX_MAPS (and most other maximums) are declared as a long by default, all he has to do is change the number and compile.
  8. @Dawntide:

    > Can i do it like this?:
    > ```
    > Dim str As String
    > Dim num As Integer
    > str = txtPrice.text
    > num = val(str)
    > ```
    > thanks in advance!

    Yeah, or you could just do:
    Item(EditorIndex).Price = Val(txtPrice.text)

  9. @Dawntide:

    > But how to use the number in the textbox. I mean when i use
    > ```
    > If EditorIndex = 0 Or EditorIndex > MAX_ITEMS Then Exit Sub
    >     lblPrice.Caption = "Price: " & txtPrice.Text
    >     Item(EditorIndex).Price = txtPrice.text
    > ```
    > what happens if i type letters in it? i do not know how to do it.
    > And how exactly change limit of all the stats

    Use Val(x) to convert the string to an integer. It will ignore letters (so Val("ABC") = 0).
  10. @Dawntide:

    > And how to change the max price? Because scrollbar is limited to 32676 and i want 999.999.999.

    You'd have to change it in to a textbox instead and parse the results yourself.
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