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Ruins of Hell

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Posts posted by Ruins of Hell

  1. > How do i bump the thread without double posting? :| Cant seem to find delete post button :/

    You're not supposed to bump threads unless 1 day has passed (3 is best).

    For spell damage, check out Sub CastSpell. Especially important is this line:


    Vital = Spell(spellnum).Vital


    index is the caster's index. Also see: Case SPELL_TYPE_DAMAGEHP, where it decides whether the target is a player or NPC, and work from there to change the vital.

    To add categories, check out how the existing things are saved, used, sent, and displayed in the spell editor. This may sound like a lot, but if you just choose one thing to copy (like the Vital, for example) you can figure it out.

    Of course, you are free to post if you need more help.
  2. This topic isn't a debate field, and it's not here so you can argue about the legality of it.

    * Making a game, using other copyrighted material, is illegal no matter whether or not you give credit. The exception is if you receive permission/a license from the author.
    * It is possible, however unlikely, that you will receive a cease-and-desist, which means you must shut down your game.
    * If you do not shut down your game, the original author has the right to pursue legal action. This does not mean they will or must.

    I'll lock this topic now as this is devolving into a flamewar instead of a civil discussion. If you wish, you can make a debate post about the likelihood of receiving a cease-and-desist and being sued.
  3. > Did you actually register the ocx or just place it in the folder?

    This error has to do with VB6 SP6, not with .DLL registration.

    > Getting this error when trying to open it in vb6
    > ```
    > Line 2967: Class MSComctlLib.TabStrip of control tabCommands was not a loaded control class.
    > Line 3047: Class MSComctlLib.TabStrip of control tabPages was not a loaded control class.
    > ```
    > I tried adding MSCOMCTL.OCX to both folder and system32\. none solved it.

    Download VB6 SP6, run it as an administrator with compatibility for XP SP3\. Then, redownload Eclipse's source code.
  4. > lol u pwned that guy any ways i did that constant and it still says touchofdeath.com ): is there a way i can reload the client and it will not say that?

    Have you compiled the client in VB6? (File > Make Eclipse Origins.exe)
  5. > I get Error Code 339 for Server MSWINCK.OCX and for Client 339 RICHTX32.OCX help please?

    Follow [Step 3 of this guide](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/page/index.html/wiki.html/_/eclipse-origins/tutorials-1344890800/installing-eclipse-origins-r3).
  6. > I knew the answer but i wanted clarification and he gave none. I understood i had his answer.
    > You don't need to come in here and be arrogant with me. If he would of clarified, he would of had his answer hours ago which would of saved everybody time.

    This doesn't address the main point, your help, although a good attempt at addressing the issue, was wrong. I am not being so much arrogant, as being factual. I do have to come in here, because without it he would have the right answer to the wrong question.

    His question was quite clear after he clarified, and understandable even before he clarified. **This rule has been in place for a long time. Your help was incorrect.**
  7. > Ya sure it all makes sense now that I understand what he was asking for. I even knew the answer to that question.
    > I didn't get the initial question.
    > I forgot about the rules that say you can't try to help others on the forums…

    You are, of course, perfectly free to ask for clarification. However, I don't want people shooting around in the blind in hopes of stumbling upon the solution.

    Also this rule has been in place for quite some time: refer to [this topic](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/98399-dont-know-the-answer-dont-reply/).
  8. > ROFL. the question was badly written. I tried to provide him with help and i asked him to make it clearer IF i didnt answer his question. He didn't say i didn't so i figure I had answered it.
    > You don't even know the answer yourself. Why would he want the GAME_WEBSITE when his question says "when the server is offline"
    > Maybe he wants a different ip to be availible when the server is offline.

    Doesn't matter. Your help was extremely detrimental to the actual process. I had zero problem understand what he meant.

    > when server is down it says server is down please go to [?
    > This is a message that displays when the client cannot connect to the server.
    > So we search for the default site, touchofdeathforums.com, and we find it's GAME_WEBSITE. Our initial hypothesis is verified by searching for the GAME_WEBSITE:
    > ```
    > Call MsgBox("Sorry, the server seems to be down. Please try to reconnect in a few minutes or visit " & GAME_WEBSITE, vbOKOnly, Options.Game_Name)
    > ```](?
    > This is a message that displays when the client cannot connect to the server.
    > So we search for the default site, touchofdeathforums.com, and we find it's GAME_WEBSITE. Our initial hypothesis is verified by searching for the GAME_WEBSITE:
    > [code]
    > Call MsgBox()
  9. This is the constant:


    Public Const GAME_WEBSITE As String = "http://www.touchofdeathforums.com"


    (Also, see Options.Website server-side.)

    > its not a link. the client tries to connect to the ip of the client.
    > If you want to change the ip, go to the Client's folder and in Data Files, find Config.ini.
    > IP=localhost
    > Port= 7001
    > Change the ip and port to your server's ip and port. If the server is on, the ip is set up properly and you change the config values above, your client will say server is Online.
    > Edit: As I reread your question I realised this could not be what you mean't.
    > If your programming and want to know if the client is still connected use "IsConnected = True".
    > If I haven't answered your question please reply and try to rephrase it or explain it better.

    If you don't know the answer, please don't reply.
  10. Confirming this as a bug. You can only withdraw as much gold as you have currently.

    To fix this, find:


    If Val(txtCurrency.text) > GetPlayerInvItemValue(MyIndex, tmpCurrencyItem) Then txtCurrency.text = GetPlayerInvItemValue(MyIndex, tmpCurrencyItem)


    and change it to:


    If Val(txtCurrency.text) > GetPlayerInvItemValue(MyIndex, tmpCurrencyItem) And CurrencyMenu <> 3 Then txtCurrency.text = GetPlayerInvItemValue(MyIndex, tmpCurrencyItem)


    Escalating to the Bug Tracker as well to have this fixed in the next release. [(Bug tracker link.)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?app=tracker&showissue=25)
  11. > I have a minigame, you just need to click 1 button, its random if you win or lose. If you win you get 50 gold, if you lose you lose 50 gold.
    > i want it to exit the minigame button click Sub when the player has less than X gold.

    It can't. The server cannot and does not send the "Exit Sub" to the client. The "Exit Sub" exits the current sub the server is in. You will need to send a packet back to the client, which the client could then use to determine whether or not to continue.
  12. Uhhh…? What? Exit Sub exits the subroutine it is currently in. It does not send a message to the client telling it to Exit Sub, or stop something. You can have the server send that message back to the client with another packet, and then the new packet could hide the form from the client.
  13. What part "doesn't work"? What steps have you followed to add this packet?

    Also try this:


    Sub HandleCheckCurrency(ByVal index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long)

    Dim Buffer As clsBuffer

    Dim itemamount As Long

    Set Buffer = New clsBuffer

    Buffer.WriteBytes Data()

    itemamount = Buffer.ReadLong

    ' check gold

    If itemamount > HasItem(index, 1) Then

    PlayerMsg index, "Not enough gold.", BrightRed

    Exit Sub

    End If

    Set Buffer = Nothing

    End Sub



    Call CheckCurrency(x)

    will check if they have more than x currency.
  14. First, look at how classes are done. Try to replicate that except change class to race.

    Then you could do something like:


    Select Case Player(index).Race

    Case 1 ' player is race 1'

    Select Case Player(index).Class

    Case 1 ' player is race 1 & class 1 '

    Case 2 ' player is race 1 & class 2 '

    End Select

    Case 2 ' player is race 2'

    Select Case Player(index).Class

    Case 1 ' player is race 2 & class 1 '

    Case 2 ' player is race 2 & class 2 '

    End Select

    Case 3 ' player is race 3'

    Select Case Player(index).Class

    Case 1 ' player is race 3 & class 1 '

    Case 2 ' player is race 3 & class 2 '

    End Select

    End Select

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