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Everything posted by Vus

  1. Looks nice! Good luck with the project. :)
  2. Hey! Many of you probably know me, but for those who don't, I am Vus. I'm from Czech Republic, been on the forums since about 2008, but I registered in 2009\. As of now, I've been promoted to a mod and hope that all will go well and friendly! :) Also, I made a quick poster for the new change! >! ![](http://i.imgur.com/kQSdPnm.jpg)
  3. Hmm, maybe I could join in as well with some easy graphics picture tutorial or something
  4. The one on the left is definetly too small. I like the right one better, but it seems a little bit too big to me. Maybe something in between, like 1,7x?
  5. Vus


    Welcome haha
  6. Very nice! I especially like the blue one!
  7. Kind of reminds me of this album: (RIP music, if you're not into sounds, that make you go crazy and hallucinate after some time lol) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7Jwrg0but8
  8. ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10409585_862509740433539_8069546343006861280_n.jpg?oh=ecd60ed598d7c21790d40244c209b975&oe=54E2A0CC&__gda__=1424996368_74e70eec23e0f6201b0cb26e4cc3a592)
  9. Vus

    Request Logo

    I made a quick one as well. Be warned though, I have not opened photoshop in a loong while haha. ![](http://i.imgur.com/4EByM3l.png) And a fiery version: ![](http://i.imgur.com/L0sXAED.png) If you want these, send me a PM, I'll send them to you with psd files.
  10. I agree that the name isn't the best.. Gypsies do not have very good reputation in most places… But good luck with the engine nonetheless!
  11. You need to move not only the "Take Key" event, but also the player switch, which is the part, that opens the door. :)
  12. Vus

    About NPC

    If you decide to use custom eclipse version, try looking for those with **stable**, optimized and bug-free basic systems and engine. Do **not** look at the features they offer as you can **add** those you need yourself. Custom versions with many features that don't work together tend to be very bugged and poor choice as base for your game.
  13. Vus

    About NPC

    Unfortunately, you can not edit source code in any version of EO 4.x, including gold, that means no NPC ranged attack for now. It would require for the system to be added by one of the developers and that may take a while, or, as others have said before, you can use some other version of Eclipse engine, where you can edit the source code and therefore add in any system you want, but custom versions are often buggy.
  14. You have to move your event actions under the said condition. ![](http://i.imgur.com/2SD98W8.png)
  15. Yup! Good luck with your project!
  16. Abhi got slapped with his keyboard
  17. Oh wow, thanks for the support kid. I don't need to be a legend, I always liked eclipse and it's people at any member level, but I appreciate this. Regarding the admin thing, admins we have now are great, but giving people like Matt or so, who are here would be good, as it's good to have at least one admin on most of the time. :)
  18. The character in EO is a sprite. To change it, you need to replace it with new one or edit it. So you basically need to get some bigger character sprite. I can now only think of RPG Maker XP sprites or having to do custom ones.
  19. > they are nice, but you could use improvement in technique ;) good luck, Vus. Heh, thx. I mainly do those to improve while making logos for people who want them. :)
  20. I don't like the fact you are making a clone, but I like that it's better than the original
  21. Looks very nice, even though I am not sure, if it's right hand or metal club with hair or something else.. :D
  22. Yea, definetly the second one, it is so much better
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