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Posts posted by Helladen

  1. **Tales of Zodiac: Memories Lost**
    **By:** Helladen and Fragment of Chaos
    **Version:** 5.1E

    This is a game that was made in early 2007\. It uses Rpg Maker XP as the core engine. I have fully revised the entire game and made it a much smoother game play. I hope you guys enjoy playing it. It was sure fun making it with Fragment of Chaos. :)
    [Click Here!](http://www.legendsofarteix.com/downloads/RTP.zip)
    [Click Here!](http://www.legendsofarteix.com/downloads/Tales_of_Zodiac.exe)

    >! Chapter I: Memories Lost
    Chapter II: Heart of Darkness
    Chapter III: The Dark Demise
    Chapter IV: The Creation

    >! Seven Ancient powers were created thousands of years ago with unimaginable, and devastating power of their own type. Beings called Ancients controlled these powers from a place called Armageddon. Each of these powers are represented with an element, and their own specific name. The elements are Fire, Water, Light, Darkness, Earth, Wind, and Thunder. Before anyone could steal these powers the Ancients locked them away into seven temples where they would remain until the one of great evil was born.
    A boy named Zephyr who was born in Radia is given the role to defend these temples from a great evil. Zephyr wonders the coasts of Zangard looking for his purpose in life, what he doesn't realize is that the Ancients had sent him down to do this special task. Zamachar is known as the Ultimate Weapon of Destruction. Who takes hold of the world with the help of the powers from the Zodiac. An ancient blood line that runs through Zephyr and Zamachar. The only person capable of defeating Zamachar is Zephyr himself.








    >! ![](http://www.legendsofarteix.com/logos/Zephyr.png)
    He is a rude person who likes to do things on his own. Born in the country of Zangard. He lived in Radia during his childhood. Zephyr was orphaned when he was five when his family was killed by a raid by the nation of Sylia. With no one else to turn to he was taken in by a soldier-turned-blacksmith named Leviath and taught how to fend for himself. Learning both domestic and fighting skills.
    >! Age: 17


    >! ![](http://www.legendsofarteix.com/logos/Cypher.png)
    Born in the prestige land of Zangard. Cypher leads a ordinary life in a country side town. One of the few towns that wasn't effected by Zamachar's plague. He usually hangs out with his little brother. Cypher taught himself how to fight and how to defend himself. He acts childish at times trying to be serious. People don't realize how strong he is, because of the way he acts. He is the protector of his village of SwordHaven.
    >! Age: 19


    >! ![](http://www.legendsofarteix.com/logos/Acerebus.png)
    He's the kind of person who keeps to himself and doesn't like to messed with. He left his village many years ago looking for his brother who vanished. When he finally found his brother's location he was trapped inside a necklace.
    >! Age: 27


    >! Minkoff Animated Battlers
    Real Time Active Battler
    Limit Breaks
    Limit Break Menu
    FF7 Menu System
    Unique Save System
    Skill Casting Delay
    Battle Report System
    Remodeled Damage Display
    Universal Message System
    2 Different Kinds of Menu Bars (Battle/Menu)
    Stealing/Mugging/Scanning (Scanning removed due to a bug)
    Pause System
    Overhead Arrows
    Faces for Battle Report and Menu
    With much more


    >! Helladen
    Fragment of Chaos
    Mr Wiggles
    RPG Advocate
    The Law G14
    Midas Mike
    SDK Team
    Kingdom of Heaven
  2. I don't care who's right or wrong. I quit after Robin replied. Basically we all are just stating our opinions and little facts as evidence.

    Your wrong we entered WWII, because there was no other alternative Hitler was growing in power and the thing that ticked us off was the japs bombing Pearl Harbor. Us bombing the Japanese was just something to save millions of lives. Any country would of done it, so don't give me that bull-shit.

    You can't change the past, but this world is ducked. Every country is and that's the plain and simple version of it. You should love your country no matter how ducked it is and if you want me to dis my own then you got another thing coming.
  3. @Azure:

    > @Robin:
    > > @Helladen:
    > >
    > > > It is a matter of opinion, but our country is slowly falling out of the top.
    > >
    > > You honestly think America is in the top spot?
    > >
    > > @spf1119:
    > >
    > > > I believe every American should be forced to commiserate with people from other countries while they are growing up. Only when I talked to people from outside my borders did I realize how insanely myopic the entire establishment of the US is. People here really can't seem to understand why the world gets mad at us. It is not evil that's the problem here I think, just incredible, earth-shattering, incalculable, painfully entrenched ignorance.
    > >
    > > Here's a quick list of things which have left horrible scars which you ignore:
    > >
    > > * Nagasaki & Hiroshima
    > > * Biological Weapons
    > > * The Land Mine Treaty
    > > * The Arms Trade
    > >
    > > And some qualities which make us hate you:
    > >
    > > * Short term strategies & long term suffering
    > > * Heavy handed commercial aggression
    > > * Patriotism & self righteousness
    > > * Self glorifying of World War 2
    > > * Obesity
    > > * Rape and violent crime statistics
    > > * Foreign Aid: USA is stingiest of the 22 most developed countries
    > > * Support of obnoxious regimes
    > > * International discord and contempt of the UN
    > *Stands in total awe of Robin's greatness* "I'm not worthy"

    Robin just because our country has a lot of bad doesn't mean crap and our country is about to be passed by China so I do not think our country is the top dog or will be for much longer.

    There's always bad in everything, and democracies always fall after 300-400 years. Our country has been alive since 1776-2010 our time is about up.

    Without us you would not be here, and German would control the world. Led by Hitler, one of the most evil men in history. (It says in the Bible that the Jews will suffer and Hitler did the first 3-4 years of suffering.)

    Now you other countries need to quit dissing the USA, our country was once great and we were protectors of the world. If you studied US history at all we went into World War to stop it and our soldiers were among the bravest men by far. Japanese soldiers were running into bullets trying to confuse the soldiers and all kinds of things that dishonors there country.

    Now we're not always right, but hell, the world would be in a lot worse shape if we never existed.
  4. @NGHS:

    > @Helladen:
    > > @Robin:
    > >
    > > > Religious Americans are some of the most closed minded people I've ever met.
    > >
    > > Without our religion our country wouldn't exist today. It's one of the things that gives us our honor and judgment. Little by little our country has been taking away our religious practices. Pretty soon there won't be any of our religion left. Many lives were lost and you can think what you want, but in fact we're one of the greatest countries in history.
    > >
    > > I'm an American and I wouldn't rather be in any other country in the world.
    > >
    > > @Ninja-Tech Who cares if they take away a game you play, you should open your eyes and believe in something and even if you think God is a lie like the person above me said, it still has many truths to it.
    > What makes you one of the greatest countries in history? I never knew arming terrorists made you a great country (Got nothing against Americans, most of are cool, just some thing they are the ducking best)

    It is a matter of opinion, but our country is slowly falling out of the top.

    You can't always compare a country by its technological advances, but in some ways other countries were more superior.
  5. @Robin:

    > Religious Americans are some of the most closed minded people I've ever met.

    Without our religion our country wouldn't exist today. It's one of the things that gives us our honor and judgment. Little by little our country has been taking away our religious practices. Pretty soon there won't be any of our religion left. Many lives were lost and you can think what you want, but in fact we're one of the greatest countries in history.

    I'm an American and I wouldn't rather be in any other country in the world.

    @Ninja-Tech Who cares if they take away a game you play, you should open your eyes and believe in something and even if you think God is a lie like the person above me said, it still has many truths to it.
  6. Very nice engine Robin. You really have a gift for VB6 programming. :)

    I noticed a little bug with multi-selection for the map editor if you didn't notice it. If you select from right to left or down to up it will not select right.

    Keep up the good work!
  7. Ummm, we've got someone who's looking into making a site. A website doesn't mean crap to be honest to me.

    Just because your a Website Designer doesn't mean everyone has to be in order to make a game for the fun of it. MOST Freeweb's sites are much worse than mine.

    Plus if you didn't read this game is in about 2-3 weeks production what do you expect a whole professional website done? Are you crazy if we could do that why the hell would we be even be using EE..
  8. We're currently looking for people who want to work on a game, please check out this website for more information.


    -We're using Eclipse Evolution, and have a Host.
    We're only 2-3 days in production we just switched from a different engine, but we're hoping to release a game in a month or two. (Beta of some sort)

  9. I can map for anything, do some pixel art, and I'm pretty active. I'm active on weekends the most, and a few hours every day during the weekdays. I would put much time into my work, and if you wish to see some of my work please send me a personal message.
    I've used this program before, and I've used Xtreme Worlds more, but there relatively the same. I would do this for free for two reasons, I enjoy doing it, and I'm not 18\. :P

    You can contact me on Windows Live Messenger at [email protected]
    or on the forums here.
  10. My name is Seth, I am seeking a position as a Mapper, and Mod/Admin.
    My standards are you have to give me a bit of the story, staff, and anything else I need to know. Most likely I will wait until I see something that catches my eye to join. So be unique and special with your posts.
    I currently am new to EE/TE I will most likely join EE, because it is better and TE looks unprofessional.

    -Here is samples of my work, these were made on Rpg Maker XP, and I am certain I can do problay as good with EE, or TE.










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