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Everything posted by Particle

  1. @The: > When I read this at first I thought it said: > > "Bored + ??? = Profit" > > I was scared. > > But nice pictures. Ahahahah :P I was afraid Oracle would come in here… And we all know what would happen >.> @Snoop: > i like the second pic! your cam picked up the lights and shadows really well, yer they may not be pro but its not far off. what cam you using? Mmhm Definately not pro but I like them :] And I'm using a Shitty old Nikon Coolpix L3 :P
  2. I was so bored tonight and was home alone so I decided to do something that I barely ever do because I feel like I'm awful at it… I took actual photographic pictures.. of something other than a person! :o Ahahaha, anyways I'm usually awful at this and I have a shitty camera but its a first time ever kind of thing so I just did what I could do. I actually loved it because it killed time while being interesting :P This is less of a CC thread more of a I'm bored look what I did (Y) :P ![](http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i190/Nouda/OtherLonely.jpg) ![](http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i190/Nouda/Sopher.jpg) ![](http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i190/Nouda/Sophie.jpg) ![](http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i190/Nouda/Sophie1.jpg) ![](http://i72.photobucket.com/albums/i190/Nouda/TheLonelyWorm.jpg) And No I don't suddenly think I'm pro, but amazingly I'm somewhat satisfied with these pictures :P These are like 5 / 100 and they were the only ones I liked
  3. Particle

    Make Monsters

    @The: > Wait! We need Hyperion! You are now my new Favorite! :P
  4. @[SB: > Teh Adulese link=topic=51025.msg535044#msg535044 date=1251610086] > I cannot believe you found this. Oh, the memories … > > - Adulese The only part of Eclipse History that I'm in… Even if I am Evil :]
  5. @[SB: > Teh Adulese link=topic=51337.msg538295#msg538295 date=1251951951] > See whenever you use "messing around" I tend to think, like ICT, that you have spent DAYS upon DAYS starring at your computer working in DX8\. But that may just be me. > > - Adulese Unfortunately no he is just that quick :P I was on MSN with him as he was programming it :P
  6. @Good: > Me and JP thought it was. Called it :P Calllleeedddd it :P
  7. Ahahaha I remember the good old days of Vanatus Curse Running through endless maps that had little to no planning already done :P
  8. @[SB: > Teh Adulese link=topic=51080.msg536962#msg536962 date=1251822115] > Lol, Come down Daniel or you'll blow a gasket. Welcome back DX, hope you have a good stay. > > - Adulese @Sherlock: > Who's Daniel? > Hyperion? > My name is Daniel too >.< Adulese is talking to me :P Yeah I'm a Daniel And I don't care if I blow a Gasket! :P Demon was the person that was doing the same Stuff as Robin years ago! :P Though probably without the style, optimizations or razor sharp wit But its almost the same :]
  9. @shane91c: > Well done you've figured out who I am. Now never refer to me by that name again because I've turned human :) Demon… DEMON DEMMMOOOOOOONNNNN You Giant Asshole! :P I have been trying to contact you for years after you magically disapeared after Vanatus Curse! God Damnit Demon! :P You Better Damn well remember me :P
  10. @The: > aka Lurking Its a Disease.
  11. If anyone is going to be anything I should be God of Sitting-In-The-Shadows-And-Barely-Ever-Posting =) I post so little I'm never mentioned :o :P
  12. Where did you get your download from because right now I'm being forced to download 7 different parts of it and then merge them later.. :P Hmmm I think i'll try it out, I've heard of this game but the Multiple Characters at one time thing always threw me off :P I'll look you up when I get online
  13. Started playing it again yesterday and I haven't been able to peel myself away from it! Suddenly this game is sooo much more fun than it had been when I first bought it :P
  14. I have Civilization 4 Though I haven't played it in ever… I played it once after I bought it because I didn't know it was turn based :P
  15. @Haruhiism: > I might join your tournament, Sora, Actually there is no person going under the forum name sora here so I'll assume that you mean me due to my sig And yes I might make a tournament but we would need a lot more people
  16. @[Eclipse's: > §tingRay200 link=topic=49949.msg519593#msg519593 date=1249910545] > What about Platinum? If you can battle Platinum against Pearl or Diamond feel free to post it
  17. Dun Dun Dunnnnnnnn We've had tons of these topics before but I couldn't find any so I decided I'd start a new one! If you have either Pokemon Diamond and/or Pearl for the Nintendo DS and you also possess a Nintendo Wifi USB or Wireless internet, then post your friend code here and begin the challenges! If we get enough people I might organize some kind of a tournament. **Hyperion - 4725 4848 6881 DNA Virus - 5284 8406 5602**
  18. I was just downstairs reading the local paper and it was talking about games that had helped change the video game industry and would be forever remembered etc etc.. Evidently things like Guitar Hero, Halo, and Grand Theft Auto were on the list and amazingly… SO WAS DWARF FORTRESS O.O I lol'd in real life when I saw it and then came up to my computer and posted this :P
  19. I love me a drunk robin It's when I always get him to agree to sexual favours he won't remember later… I mean .. Errr... He talks funny :o
  20. Ohhh yess Ohhh Yess Thank you EFG Man Thank you Genius Attacks /SilentClap
  21. Particle

    Love Trouble

    @Chief: > kill her. yup, then you dont have to worry about loving her. And we Have proven Hyperions Point A
  22. Particle

    Love Trouble

    @Captain: > alright so Im deeply in love with my best friend Meghan, she knows it, and im trying to ask her out, and she said she'll think about it. Any REAL tips to win her over? Honestly and I know this is going to sound harsh but two things A. Don't ask Eclipse, you won't get the answers you want :P B. If she said she'll think about it that is a no I know theres someone saying "BUT SHE SAID SHE'D THINK ABOUT IT!!!one!!oneone!" But sadly this usually isn't the case, it's just a polite way of getting out of the topic, thus gently letting down a friend and not causing an awkward moment. My best advice is just to continue with the friendship and see where it goes because its better to have her as a friend then not at all?
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