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Everything posted by Stein

  1. Stein


    Ah, apologies. I assumed looking at other message types implied looking into the server/client relation as well. I'll try and be more clear about that next time. As Erwin said, most chat related things are handled server-side with the help command as an exception along with a few such as /loc. This pretty much goes for anything though, all behind the scenes number/data work is generally handled server-side.
  2. Stein


    Ah well.. Assuming you want one of the commands to send a map message, why not look into how the current stuff like emotes are handled, copy/paste and edit it lightly to make it a new command and make it send a message to the map using MapMsg(MapNum, Message, Color)? It's probably much more educational to look into it yourself instead of one of us writing a full guide on such a simple thing.
  3. Stein


    First off, why would you want to spam everyone on the map to death with your help message?
  4. Stein

    Respawn help

    Look into Sub KillPlayer on the server-side. It handles a player's death.
  5. Stein


    It's dodging, attack speed is a base number that can only be modified by your weapon.
  6. Stein

    Mp3 help.

    Not by default, you'll need to add in your own music system.
  7. Wouldn't it be better to add Ticket ID's so you can reference them again later, and have these loaded into a screen so Admins/Moderators can read up on them in-game? Anyway, thanks for giving me the idea of adding this into my own thingymajick. :]
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