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  1. Lurvik

    VB6 Error

    > Right click the vb6.exe and click the compatability tab. Okay I have done that now but I still get that error
  2. Lurvik

    VB6 Error

    > Ignore all other posts here. Simply right click vb6.exe and click :Disable Desktop Composition" and click "Run as Administrator" I can't see anything like Disable Desktop Composition :(
  3. Lurvik

    VB6 Error

    also when I click help it tells me to reinstall MSDN whatever that is?
  4. Lurvik

    VB6 Error

    > A particular COM interface isn't registered in your system. You need to figure out exactly which one and then use this: > > > > > > to register it. > > > > When you attempt to save, does it generate any .text format versions for any of your forms? I am having the same problem and yes it generates a .text format: ``` Line 27: Class MSWinsockLib.Winsock of control Socket was not a loaded control class. Line 35: Class TabDlg.SSTab of control SSTab1 was not a loaded control class. Line 223: Class MSComctlLib.ListView of control lvwInfo was not a loaded control class. ```
  5. Lurvik


    Please finish this! I wish you best of luck. :)
  6. NPCs does'nt seem to respawn either.. ![:(](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//sad.png)
  7. There's some wierd bug so resources wont respawn on every map, they only respawn on the first map. I'm using the latest version of eclipse origins (EclipseVB) and I really need help with this!
  8. Okay, it works now. Thank you for this tutorial. ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//biggrin.png)
  9. I get this error when i try to compile the server: User definition type not defined Private Sub lvwInfo_ColumnClick(ByVal ColumnHeader As MSComctlLib.ColumnHeader) in Frmserver.
  10. > Now I'm with error at line: > > TexthDC = DDS_BackBuffer.GetDC > > From DrawChatBubble I also get a error at that line, help us please! ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
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