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Everything posted by Growlith1223

  1. because you already have a prefix which is "diamond"
  2. he's checking if this site = google. not navigate to it :P
  3. ``` If webbrowser.Location = "www.google.com" Then ' code' End If ``` i might be wrong on Location(too used to vb.net)
  4. Growlith1223


    wherever they are registered, the client will load them
  5. bump. updated topic with a new screenshot :P
  6. to anyone who is still trying to use this. go into the App.Config, replace the section with ``` ```
  7. definitely nothing in that area >_> Look for a sub in ModGeneral around the name of InitialiseGUI.
  8. look for modInput. there should be a sub there for all of the commands, go from there
  9. Do you happen to have teamviewer? kinda hard for myself to help(not sure about others lol)
  10. ok, well do you have it so the client is actually recieving what that character's equipment is when you click login(not use character)? if so, just add a new render line under the line that renders the character sprite. ``` RenderTexture Tex_Paperdoll(Player(MyIndex).Equipment(1)), x, y, 0,0, 32, 32, 32, 32 ``` Go from there, if you need anymore help, let me know :P
  11. look in the subs DrawEquipment, you should find what you're looking for. just need to copy some things and place them in the sub to draw that menu. shouldn't be too hard :)
  12. it's not a setting or option. it's something in the graphics file itself. get an image editor that has transparency and check if those images have a black background. the image is in a grid of 32x32 per tile. so it won't be too hard to figure that out. if this does not help, then try redownloading the engine and trying again.
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