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  1. Update: I added new functions: Cbrt (Cube Root), Abs (Absolute Value), Ceil, Floor. I also added user defined variables, check the updated example on the first post to see how it works. Any feedback or ideas on features i should add are welcome Thanks
  2. Nearing the end of last year I was trying to make make an expression evaluator in C# & I can say I failed miserably, you can find it [here](http://indiehub.net/topic/314-c-maths-parser/#entry3866). Last week I decided to retry doing the same thing, this time using [Go](http://golang.org) instead of C#. Features: * Nested Parentheses * Operators: > + - * / ^ ( ) * Functions: > Floor Ceil Cbrt Sqrt Sin Cos Tan Asin Acos Atan Abs Ln * Constants: > E Pi Phi Sqrt2 SqrtE SqrtPi SqrtPhi Example: ``` package main import ( "fmt" "gocalc" ) func main() { exp := gc.NewExpression("9^2+Tan[Pi-X]") exp.AddVariable("X", 1.069) answer := exp.Solve() fmt.Println(answer) } ``` The source can be found on Github [here](https://github.com/marcmak/gocalc).
  3. You need to link the sfml libraries ect… for it to work if you're compiling it
  4. > please make Cyrillic support, super engine, thank you for your efforts!!! He can't its a limitation in VB6 I belive
  5. Well first of all a light saber is something scientifically impossible, and even if it was it would be useless like any other sword-like weapon. Lasers is something much more plausible but not the small laser guns that shoot rays that you see in games.
  6. I live in lebanon which shares around 70 ~ 80% of its borders with syria. While al assad is no where close to being a nice democratic leader, the syrian rebels are worse. It is like choosing between bad & bad.
  7. Melon

    VB6 Alternative?

    I had vb6 working on win7 with no problem few months ago just installed it and selected ignore compatibility problems. It worked okay.
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