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Everything posted by Kemono

  1. Did you edit the frames number ?
  2. No , it works fine . I already tested that .
  3. Edit from the source the picture of frmmenu . (Use a .bmp picture)
  4. About the sprites which are in game : The titan is a render which means that someone ripped them from somewhere and gave money for them to be free for all . Next , the RPG MAKER VX Tiles are sold in steam http://store.steampowered.com/app/229752/RPG_Maker_VX_Ace__Modern_Day_Tiles_Resource_Pack/ , please before talking , be sure about what you say . And about my English , idgaf Other thing else , stop coming to spam idiotly my discord chat or there will be severe results between us . * * * @'deFault-': > and realized that you were trying to sell it for $20 U.S.D lol $10 more than NIN actually charges xD I don't know if you cannot read but I already show you the armor in its original way , don't show your self as an idiot
  5. Hey , sorry about that , our website maker put it and said that it's just to show the armor in a better way , in addition to that your art is different from ours . Btw , you know , there's a better manner to talk . There is the original armor ![](http://image.prntscr.com/image/6d754744bc764bf5bd28c24528c91129.png) + I found that your armor sucks , so why crying for shit ?
  6. ![](http://image.prntscr.com/image/52f97e8b6bda427dafb234afca05afcf.png) ![](http://image.prntscr.com/image/d095b46570be4c7e9692dd8f6046bbdf.png) Welcome in the official project developped by Orintoho 88 studio since 2011 . Yeah … it's an unknown company .Now , I will tell you a story , in 2011 I joined Orintoho 88 studio with an original idea to mix some animes in one amazing game ... hmm that was at least an idea . Then in 2013 , I was able to produce a kind of playable version of this game which included Dragon Ball Z and Naruto . Well I can't actually say that I had a lot of success because in 2014 , I gave up the game and the MMORPG creator's life .... But now , I'm back stronger than ever to produce the ultimate game with the name of : A-ONLINE ! The story begins in an isolated house , the C exam academy part where you'll get the super hero C rank to be an official "ANIME SUPERHERO" and will also be able to fight strong bosses from different anime worlds ! ![](http://image.prntscr.com/image/38e59f87d6e44ec2b3a8559cfbd2fc8a.png) The game includes 7 animes ( we will add more by time ) , each one of them has 3 characters . Now that you know about characters , let me introduce you those animes : **One Punch Man (WanPanMan) Naruto Shippuden Dragon Ball Super ( Doragon boru supa ) One Piece ( Wan Pisu ) Fairy tail ( Feari Teiru ) Attack On Titan ( Shingeki No Kyojin ) Bleach ( Burichu )** - The characters are : Saitama - Genos - Boros Naruto - Sasuke - Madara Goku - Vegeta - Black Goku Luffy - Ace - Akainu Natsu - Grey - Zeref Eren - Mikasa - Bertolth Ichigo - ? - Hitsugaya ![](http://image.prntscr.com/image/ecd6edbac915454c9a8c907a99255e15.png) -Omega boss battle -Dungeons -Arena battles -Tournaments -Survival -Events -PK -PVP -PVE -Quests -Cutscenes -Transformations -Trade system -Guilds -Parties -Technics -Ascend ranks (Maximum one is "SS") - And much more … ![](http://image.prntscr.com/image/21dbc12839da459286ad0eda1b7a6902.png) ![](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/6ef460_3f5c838ab861448a9ac160a11f2069ba~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_622,h_465,al_c,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/6ef460_3f5c838ab861448a9ac160a11f2069ba~mv2.png) ![](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/6ef460_50025297adbf4d5cb8fad81dbc9946a5~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_622,h_465,al_c,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/6ef460_50025297adbf4d5cb8fad81dbc9946a5~mv2.png) ![](http://image.prntscr.com/image/77ca87fdbaf145be90a15075dcb93a2f.png) ![](http://image.prntscr.com/image/6bddf470487d41cab1094404fdc0d936.png) ![](http://image.prntscr.com/image/cdeaba4ddd5e40bc937f0694125d868a.png) **Original idea~Game maker~Programmer~Owner** Kemono | Saitama Game maker~Spriter Tetsu Administrator~Programmer King.D Levi One Punch Man : ONE Dragon Ball Super : Akira Toriyama Naruto Shippuden : Masashi Kishimoto Attack On Titan : Hajime Isayama One Piece : Eiichiro Oda Fairy Tail : Hiro Mashima Bleach : Noriyuki Abe [WEBSITE](https://orintoho88.wixsite.com/a-online/forum/_news/official-a-online) [DISCORD](https://discord.gg/BTugrqX)
  7. You can only insert BMP pictures in VB6 , and yes it's the picture tab… To insert a gif in your main with VB6 , you must download Gif dll or ocx and add it to your project's dlls . then select it from your tools and put your GIF in . I can't help more for free lol , that's why I gave your my skype .
  8. There is no tutorial for this actually , not even in Google . You must custom your source with your manner
  9. I'm not giving all the solution but here is a way to follow Client side : Create an image with a color background(In photoshop or something like that) (Like green or pink) , it will be considered as a transparent background … but you'll have to create a transparency module , then add this code into your picture : ``` Call YOUR_TRANSPARENCY_SUB(Me, 255, RGB(R, G, B)) ``` Replace R and G and B with the amount of R(Red) G(Green) B(Blue) in your image background good luck !
  10. Kemono

    Custom Script

    in the server side : search for : ``` Public Sub CustomScript(index As Long, caseID As Long) ```You can add your custom scripts there .
  11. I can't do exactly the same as your example , but at least there is 95% from it that I can do. If you don't find someone that can do the entire website , send me a pm with your skype ID in it.
  12. Hello everyone, I'm a graphic designer who is looking for paid work . I'll now share with you my recent works as an exemple : [Picture1](http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2017/12/1490184969-background.png) [Picture2](http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2017/12/1490184980-after-fight-awo.png)
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