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Everything posted by AeroEBrown

  1. Goose (Syn) will no longer be taking requests in this thread, as he has been banned from this community. Instead you can find him [here](http://community.mavraengine.com/index.php?/user/24-will/). Please do not remove this topic or the link as he is simply trying to provide a free service towards all of the members of this community, just as a different persona. He also will NOT be finishing any work from here unless you find him at his new location. You may however lock this topic. Thank you all, and good luck! Thanks, Maverick
  2. Bye Guys. If you want to get a hold of me get my Skype. I think it's on my profile. Not sure. Either way, later homies. Thanks, EBrown/Maverick/Aero/Aeroplane/AirRohDah
  3. Good news everyone! Since I was only temporarily allowing Marsh to use the ToD IP.B License provided he was the owner, you either owe me a fat check or you will be replacing the IP.B forum with a free one as I am revoking the right for this domain to use it. Yay! Thanks, Maverick
  4. The problem with forcing people to use VB6 is that the IDE is no longer commercially available. It can ONLY be obtained by illegal means. Should we implement a scripting language we take this out of the equation, and the people no longer need to illegally find the IDE to develop a simple game with. I would love to use Eclipse but I refuse to use an IDE I cannot download for free from Microsoft, as you can with an IDE for VB.NET, C#, and C++. Thanks, Maverick
  5. The funny thing is, the topic this guy is suggesting is exactly how modern phones work, how modern OS X computers work, and how Windows 8 works. Everyone is moving to the "App Store" or whatever they call it now. I can't remember what OS X calls it, but the new operating system (Lion) was able to be installed via their App Store when you were running Leopard. If this isn't the most complex and powerful thing out there in terms of stores then I don't know what is. The fact is, it would be pretty easy to do in VB6\. Especially if we went to the old days of having a scripting language instead of having to have a full IDE just to get the basics in there. (I.e. Guild Systems and Quest Systems) There was another engine that had this type of system developed by a user of that engine, and it was a script you installed into your Main Script that would allow you to install and remove other scripts. Now how awesome is that? Thanks, Maverick
  6. > I like the white theme better. > > For the unit used instead of having "mi (Miles)" just put "Miles" same thing for kilometers. Done. And as for the themes, I'm NOT sure how I can make it so users can select a theme. The theme is defined in an XML document. (Actually, several of them.) res/values/styles.xml, res/values-v11/styles.xml, and res/values-v14/styles.xml Thanks, Maverick
  7. So what theme do you guys think looks best? This one or the all-black one? Thanks, Maverick
  8. Satisfied? Also: .apk attached! ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//biggrin.png) Thanks, Maverick
  9. So I got GPS tracking working now! You can use GPS to log your run instead of manually adding the distance, time, and all that fun stuff. Thanks, Maverick
  10. I lol'd so hard at Kris's First post. When I saw the design I LEGITIMATELY thought that it was two different styles for the Console. I did not realize until I saw it run that it was one console with half one style half another. I was like, "WTF LOL TROLLFACE.GIF" Thanks, Maverick
  11. > You're welcome for the idea, now write the shit for WP8 so I can actually use it. I'll have to write it for WP7/7.5 as I need Windows 8 for the Windows Phone 8 SDK. > I use Runtastic. Its ace. Some people don't want to pay for their apps. Thanks, Maverick
  12. I will definitely be working on Web-Integration soon, so I may add the ability to make runs public and then allow people to compare with other people. (Globally or by friend ID's.) Thanks, Maverick
  13. So I just finished my first version of an App I am making for Android Phones, and eventually Windows Phones, and I was wondering how many people here on Eclipse would use it. Essentially it allows you to log your runs and it will calculate your mile time, or kilometer time or whatever distance unit you want to use as there is no setting for that yet, and it allows you to view a history of your times over distance. I will be adding graphing capability tonight or tomorrow to allow for a graphical representation of improvement. If anyone has anything they would like to see added, please post up and I will consider adding them. Edit: I said I'd get graphing done, and I did. Thanks, Maverick
  14. > That's pretty arrogant, considering the company you're in. Yes, sir. Thanks, Maverick
  15. I should have been the one to do this from the beginning. >.< Thanks, EBrown
  16. > You live your life between your legs, Mav. A fuckin' right you are. Thanks, Maverick
  17. No, it's Goose. Wing-man for Maverick. God damnit you guys, watch Top Gun. Thanks, Maverick
  18. > Is this still going to happen, or is it dead? I had an entry mostly done, but I didn't see anything going on in here, so I didn't ever wrap it up. No one ever entered. Thanks, EBrown
  19. > Why is that the first question everyone always asks me when i post a pic. > > inb4 because your fat It's because we are concerned for your health. Thanks, EBrown
  20. Damn boy have you lost weight? Also, go with Beary White. It's highlarious. Thanks, EBrown
  21. It's three to three and a half feet above the ground. They like the feeders we have that high so I think it is in a prime position. Thanks, EBrown
  22. > Got any tenants yet? There's a few birds been checking it out. They know it's baf. Thanks, EBrown
  23. This birdhouse took five years to build. My dad and I started it a long time ago. Thanks, EBrown
  24. Mines better than yours. Suck it. https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/920026_601875999825048_1693988519_o.jpg Thanks, EBrown
  25. What happened to the days of people having backgrounds of their significant other? Oh, right. Eclipse. Thanks, EBrown
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