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Posts posted by Xlithan

  1. xlogo.png

    Adventures of Virellia is a game that brings back the classic nostalgic feel of early 2000's 2D MMORPGs. It is inspired by indie games made with PlayerWorlds, ORE and Mirage Source.

    Adventures of Virellia was originally made back in April 2009, inspired by a popular indie 2D MMO that came out in 2000.

    We are still in development phase at this time! Visit our Discord Community for further updates and discussions.

    Main Website


  2. Based on MSE2, with credits to Consty, Harold and Emily.



    Welcome to MirageSource 5.

    This version of Mirage Source has been updated with DirectX 8. The engine itself in regards to its features is much the same as the original version with the added feature of seamless scrolling maps.


    • Seamless scrolling maps
    • DirectX 8
    • Byte array packets
    • Stand-alone client & server



  3. Love how my name isn't there. I've been around Since Mirage 3.0.3, berore Skyward, before Robin, before any of the names mentioned. I developed M:RPGe, which inspired the Konfuze Engine, which inspired Elysium Diamond, which inspired Eclipse.

  4. DrawSkillbar is located in DrawGUI which is located in Render_Graphics, which has a Beginscene line. So would I have to move DrawSkillbar to a location that doesn't have it, or what can I do inside DrawSkillbar that would draw it to a picturebox?


    I moved it to DrawGDI and I can now enter the game. The picturebox is completely black and doesn't show anything so I'm guessing I'll have to change some things in DrawSkillbar

    **Edit 2:**

    I managed to get this far but obviously needs some adjustment. They're supposed to be 30px boxes, 5px from Left and Top, and 40px apart. Not sure why it's drawing it like that but I'll figure it out.

    ![alt text](https://i.snag.gy/MwJXe5.jpg)

    **Edit 3:**

    I had my suspicions and they were right. It sizes the graphics based on the size of the PictureBox... How can I fix this issue?

    ![alt text](https://i.snag.gy/knCXIZ.jpg)
  5. Hi guys. So as some of you know, I'm redesigning the interface in Skywyre v10 and going back to the traditional Picturebox on an interface design like in Eclipse. SkyWyre made the change to drawing to a full screen on frmMain, and my project specifically requires me to revert back. However, I don't want to go back to DirectX7, using an earlier engine.

    Currently, I'm attempting to move everything from the main game screen (Which is now frmMain.picGame), to picture boxes on the interface.

    Currently, I'm trying to draw the hotbar items/spells but I'm getting that infamous "Unrecoverable DX8 Error".

    This is my procedure, and I know it's wrong but I tried my best attempt at it. If anybody could correct my code that'd be great, as I can then use it as a template for moving everything else.


    Public Sub DrawSkillbar()
    Dim I As Long, x As Long, y As Long, t As Long, sS As String

    Direct3D_Device.Clear 0, ByVal 0, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 0), 1#, 0

    x = 0
    y = 0

    For I = 1 To MAX_HOTBAR
    ' draw the icon
    Select Case Hotbar(I).sType
    Case 1 ' inventory
    If Len(Item(Hotbar(I).Slot).name) > 0 Then
    If Item(Hotbar(I).Slot).Pic > 0 Then
    'EngineRenderRectangle Tex_Item(Item(Hotbar(i).Slot).Pic), x + 2, y + 2, 0, 0, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32
    RenderTexture Tex_Item(Item(Hotbar(I).Slot).Pic), 5 + x, 5 + y, 0, 0, 30, 30, 30, 30, D3DColorARGB(255 - Item(Hotbar(I).Slot).a, 255 - Item(Hotbar(I).Slot).R, 255 - Item(Hotbar(I).Slot).G, 255 - Item(Hotbar(I).Slot).B)
    End If
    End If
    Case 2 ' spell
    If Len(Spell(Hotbar(I).Slot).name) > 0 Then
    If Spell(Hotbar(I).Slot).Icon > 0 Then
    ' render normal icon
    'EngineRenderRectangle Tex_Spellicon(Spell(Hotbar(i).Slot).Icon), x + 2, y + 2, 0, 0, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32
    RenderTexture Tex_SpellIcon(Spell(Hotbar(I).Slot).Icon), 5 + x, 5 + y, 0, 0, 30, 30, 30, 30
    ' we got the spell?
    For t = 1 To MAX_PLAYER_SPELLS
    If PlayerSpells(t).Spell > 0 Then
    If PlayerSpells(t).Spell = Hotbar(I).Slot Then
    If SpellCD(t) > 0 Then
    'EngineRenderRectangle Tex_Spellicon(Spell(Hotbar(i).Slot).Icon), x + 2, y + 2, 0, 0, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, , , , , , , 254, 190, 190, 190
    RenderTexture Tex_SpellIcon(Spell(Hotbar(I).Slot).Icon), 5 + x, 5 + y, 0, 0, 30, 30, 30, 30, D3DColorARGB(255, 100, 100, 100)
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End Select
    ' draw the numbers
    sS = str(I)
    If I = 10 Then sS = "0"
    If I = 11 Then sS = " -"
    If I = 12 Then sS = " ="
    RenderText Font_Default, sS, 5 + x + 8, 5 + y + 28, White

    x = x + 40
    If x >= 120 Then
    x = 0
    y = y + 40
    End If

    Direct3D_Device.Present ByVal 0, ByVal 0, frmMain.picSkillbar.hwnd, ByVal (0)

    ' Error handler
    Exit Sub
    HandleError "DrawSkillbar", "modGraphics", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext
    Exit Sub
    End Sub
  6. It's all rendered onto frmMain with DX8.

    *' blit interface
    RenderTexture Tex_GUI(43), 1, 1, 0, 0, frmMain.ScaleWidth, frmMain.ScaleHeight, frmMain.ScaleWidth, frmMain.ScaleHeight*

    This draws the interface.

    *' Draw normally
    RenderTexture Tex_Tileset(.layer(I).Tileset), ConvertMapX(X * PIC_X), ConvertMapY(Y * PIC_Y), .layer(I).X * 32, .layer(I).Y * 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, -1*

    This hasn't been changed at all. But ConvertMapX/Y has been

    *ConvertMapX = (X - (TileView.Left * PIC_X) - Camera.Left) + 246
    ConvertMapY = (Y - (TileView.Top * PIC_Y) - Camera.Top) + 10*

    That's how I get the tiles to be drawn in the location I have it. I did try it with a picturebox before, but the mouse cursor doesn't work properly on the interface, and as I said, you wouldn't be able to drag skills from the interface to the hotbar located on the game screen. So the whole thing has to be drawn.
  7. Having checked some things, it would appear that the interface buttons use the size of the game screen. Where my buttons are now (Check a previous screenshot), if the mouse cursor position is greater than the width of the game screen in relation to the whole window, the buttons don't work. I'm going to have to rewrite the mouse position code so it checks them separately.
  8. This I can do, as I have done already. The issue is when the fog/panorama moves. It moves the image across the whole screen, as the whole screen is rendered. If I was using a Picturebox as I said, this wouldn't matter. But because it's drawn to the whole enter screen, that's why it moves over the interface.

    That's why I was asking if there was a way to move the image but only draw it only over the tiles.

    Even after setting the destination coordinates, that's just where it's initially drawn too. The 'd' changes value due to the offset of the movement.

    Another question I have, is that I need to figure out how to get it so that the mouse knows when it's over the tiles. It still thinks the whole screen is the game screen, so targeting is completely off. I might call it a night though, I would say I've been quite successful so far. I might just have to live with panoramas and fogs being static.

    You can see here, drawing the fogs and panoramas is fine if they don't move.

    But you can see where the mouse cursor is, and it's targeting the player from there.

    ![alt text](https://i.snag.gy/Vwjoi2.jpg)
  9. Hi guys. I'm playing around with SkyWyre v10 and I wanted to see what the possibilities were.

    Right now, I'm trying to create the illusion of a classic Eclipse style game with an interface, like they used to be instead of a full game screen. The issue I have, is that Panoramas and Fog move across the screen, and they move across the whole screen. How can I restrict these to only be visible on the game screen.

    I could use a Picturebox and just code everything so it uses controls on the interface instead of from the game screen but I want to be able to drag spells/items to the hotbar and other things that benefit drawing to the whole form instead of a PictureBox.

    Any ideas?
    ![alt text](https://i.snag.gy/u8foyS.jpg)
  10. I just don't think you need that splash screen on the setup file. The game perhaps, but not the setup file. There should also be a button to skip it if you desire. A good game gives players choices. Players easily get bored when they are forced to do things.
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