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Everything posted by newwun

  1. Thx here is how one map i have looks so far....don't mind the tress on the side i was trying to see how they look XD I have to put the shop's on the outside because the warp won't work for me rite now so i can't warp to inside unless i use the map warp for admins ![alt text](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/1m7111auvyyujuu/Titainia%20Test%20Map.png?dl=0)
  2. Thx Now i just need to do the gui for the game itself XD
  3. What ya'll think? ![alt text](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/pp4oj3btgajva53/Updater%202_20_2018%2010_26_16%20AM.png?dl=0)
  4. newwun

    Tree Tile Set

    Nothing special i just took a few tree from AE tiles and bunch them together to make it easier to place a bunch in one spot without having to sort through the layers i'm not done with all of them yet XD ![0_1518731912031_TreeTiles.png](/assets/uploads/files/1518731912693-treetiles-resized.png)
  5. newwun

    A New Engine: Atlas

    @zynato nice....will it have item info on mouse hover? and a updater to send out new dlc etc etc?
  6. newwun

    A New Engine: Atlas

    @solidlink oh yes i can't wait lol :D Quick question though i played this game once where the mods right click a spot and it teleport them there with a teleport fx on them, will it have something similar?
  7. newwun

    A New Engine: Atlas

    is it going to have pets?
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