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  1. So I've downloaded both Eclipse FF and Eclipse Renewal 1.8.0\. I like both, but prefer FF over Renewal. BUT Renewal has some awesome options in the server that I'd love to have on the FF version. What is the best way I can copy over those options onto the other engine? An Example is in the Renewal Server under "Players" There are buttons with options like Account Editor and "View Info" while on the FF version there's not. I love options like this. Same under the "Control" tab where there's a slider for EXP and even a party EXP modifier. I'm new to VB6, but I think I'm getting the hang of it :)
  2. Superspyi

    VB6 Errors

    Alright I just did this and it hasn't helped me. I successfully registered it and replaced it. I put it in my SYSWOW64 folder, because that's what I was to do with the file because it said something about how it might not be compatible or whatever. But it's registered and when I go to Visual Basic I get "Errors during load. Refer to (path)\frmEditor_Events.log for details" Here's what the log says. Line 1670: Class MSComctlLib.TabStrip of control tabCommands was not a loaded control class. Line 3889: Class MSComctlLib.TabStrip of control tabPages was not a loaded control class. Line 1676: The property name _ExtentX in tabCommands is invalid. Line 1677: The property name _ExtentY in tabCommands is invalid. Line 1678: The property name MultiRow in tabCommands is invalid. Line 1679: The property name TabMinWidth in tabCommands is invalid. Line 1680: The property name _Version in tabCommands is invalid. Line 1691: The property name Tabs in tabCommands is invalid. Line 3895: The property name _ExtentX in tabPages is invalid. Line 3896: The property name _ExtentY in tabPages is invalid. Line 3897: The property name MultiRow in tabPages is invalid. Line 3898: The property name ShowTips in tabPages is invalid. Line 3899: The property name TabMinWidth in tabPages is invalid. Line 3900: The property name _Version in tabPages is invalid. Line 3907: The property name Tabs in tabPages is invalid. Also, when I try to enable Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 I get "Object Library not Registered." and it doesn't apply it.
  3. Superspyi

    VB6 Errors

    Sub EventEditorInit(eventNum As Long) Dim I As Long EditorEvent = eventNum ' copy the event data to the temp event 'CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(tmpEvent), ByVal VarPtr(Map.Events(eventNum)), LenB(Map.Events(eventNum)) tmpEvent = Map.Events(eventNum) frmEditor_Events.InitEventEditorForm ' populate form With frmEditor_Events ' set the tabs .tabPages.Tabs.Clear For I = 1 To tmpEvent.pageCount .tabPages.Tabs.Add , , str(I) Next ' items .cmbHasItem.Clear .cmbHasItem.AddItem "None" For I = 1 To MAX_ITEMS .cmbHasItem.AddItem I & ": " & Trim$(Item(I).name) Next ' variables .cmbPlayerVar.Clear .cmbPlayerVar.AddItem "None" For I = 1 To MAX_VARIABLES .cmbPlayerVar.AddItem I & ". " & Variables(I) Next ' variables .cmbPlayerSwitch.Clear .cmbPlayerSwitch.AddItem "None" For I = 1 To MAX_SWITCHES .cmbPlayerSwitch.AddItem I & ". " & Switches(I) Next ' name .txtName.text = tmpEvent.name ' enable delete button If tmpEvent.pageCount > 1 Then .cmdDeletePage.Enabled = True Else .cmdDeletePage.Enabled = False End If .cmdPastePage.Enabled = False ' Load page 1 to start off with curPageNum = 1 EventEditorLoadPage curPageNum End With ' show the editor frmEditor_Events.Show End Sub That's the whole section. I haven't modified the source code whatsoever. There was another error earlier, but that was fixed by adding a reference. Is there anything like that that would fix this?
  4. Superspyi

    VB6 Errors

    I'm very new to actually using VB6\. I've used Eclipse for a very long time. I've used multiple different versions of it too. Well, I was using the skywyre v6 engine and I asked about a question regarding classes and crashes related to it. I was told how to fix it. But when I'm in VB6 and edit the code and then go to recompile it I get "Compile error: Method or data member not found" and it highlights .Tabs in this section. With frmEditor_Events ' set the tabs .tabPages.Tabs.Clear For I = 1 To tmpEvent.pageCount .tabPages.Tabs.Add , , str(I) Next Could anybody please help me figure out what's going on?
  5. Superspyi

    VB6 Question

    Okay, so I'm using EO and I want to change the max a item can be sold in a shop for, and how of an item you can spawn at a time. I know how to do it. But say I want to spawn a currency, right now, I can only spawn "32767" gold. I want to be able to spawn more than that. It will probably need source editing, but I'm willing to do it :P
  6. Superspyi


    Put them into the certain folders. Client >> Data Files >> Graphics Just make sure they're the correct format and that they go in numerical order.
  7. I'm pretty sure that you have to like make the paperdolled version? Just do it in Paint I think.
  8. Do you have them in a numerical order? It sounds like one has broken that line of numbers. Go to 75 in your characters folder and go to 75 and most likely, there will be a number that goes to 76 or has a name on it. They have to be in numerical order.
  9. Ahh, I think I may have found what you're looking for. Maybe. http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,69062.0.html
  10. I found a 1.5 Custom Client that has a built in quest system. If you'd like, here it is. [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,68910.0.html](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,68910.0.html)
  11. You'd probably need to edit it with VB6. I don't know if that's 100% though, It also may be editing the source? But I'm not entirely sure.
  12. Superspyi


    What I did was make two accounts. I made one an admin, then the one I want to be an owner, a normal access person. Then, I had the admin person, set the Soon to be owner's access to 5, then I deleted the other account. That's how I done it. There's probably a much simpler way to do it though :P
  13. Add more than 75? I have 167 sprites. Do you have more than 75 but it only lets you go up to 75?
  14. Superspyi


    Is there any way to make an item stackable without it being a currency? There probably is but I've just missed it :P
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