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  1. Name: Christmas123 Type of GFX: Sprite(1-2 complete sprites')(How many ever you feel like doing or have time for) Style: Fantasy RPG Notes: I would like One of them to be a dragon maybe(If its too hard skip it) The last one to be like a King/Guard type one like this: [http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://images.mmorpg.com/images/newsimages/442009/4story2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.mmorpg.com/newsroom.cfm/game/421&usg=__r0odeoa_BqOHX1dczMaVitW2LyM=&h=324&w=432&sz=38&hl=en&start=28&zoom=1&tbnid=j5IG-f42rS3bcM:&tbnh=144&tbnw=190&prev=/images%3Fq%3DMMORPG%2Bfantasy%2Bcitizen%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1090%26bih%3D466%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C1036&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=791&vpy=129&dur=103&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=111&ty=103&ei=24XcTLnuLYj2tgPAzKDlAw&oei=tYXcTNXZNI6asAPlqbTmAw&esq=8&page=4&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:28&biw=1090&bih=466](http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://images.mmorpg.com/images/newsimages/442009/4story2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.mmorpg.com/newsroom.cfm/game/421&usg=__r0odeoa_BqOHX1dczMaVitW2LyM=&h=324&w=432&sz=38&hl=en&start=28&zoom=1&tbnid=j5IG-f42rS3bcM:&tbnh=144&tbnw=190&prev=/images%3Fq%3DMMORPG%2Bfantasy%2Bcitizen%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1090%26bih%3D466%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C1036&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=791&vpy=129&dur=103&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=111&ty=103&ei=24XcTLnuLYj2tgPAzKDlAw&oei=tYXcTNXZNI6asAPlqbTmAw&esq=8&page=4&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:28&biw=1090&bih=466) (Hes the guy in the middle)
  2. Thanks for the information *Writes it down* Oh and i didnt watch the video but where did you get a video of robin typeing?
  3. It looks yummy. Nom nom nom. So its just basicaly just a cupcake with a quarter of a cookie for a mouth?
  4. If i where gay then my parents would probley try to get me into some counciling.
  5. @Azure: > You can not do that as the files and construction are completely different. Darn, Oh well.
  6. Is there a way to convert maps from eclipse stable format to Eclipse Origins format? Also i tried to use a set of Eclipse Stable sprites with Eclipse Origins and the sprite walks funny so im guessing that it is just the way eclipse origins is set up and there is no fix to this?
  7. How would i source an edit where the maps seem to flow and seem to be one BIG map instead of going to another map and load that map and then you cant see anyone on the other map?
  8. Okay i have a picture of a Health and Mana bar that i got from the resource center how do i put it in my game? a source edit? Also i have a Inventory icon,Quests icon,Etc. How do i put those in?
  9. How could i set those mana andhealth bars as the one in game? Source edit or just put them somewhere in the in-game gui picture?
  10. I would say the third one is better.
  11. Okay i am using ES and would like to know how to use a big sprite as a little sprite or can someone make a little peice of code to tell or show me how to make someone transform into a big sprite and then back into the sprite they just where and take off there armor?
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